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ARTICLE I <br />SPECIFIC PROVISIONS <br />1.1 INDOT's Responsibilities. <br />1.2 <br />A. INDOT shall be the lead agency and shall be responsible for all aspects of the Project <br />and shall be responsible for construction of the Associated Work. <br />B. INDOT shall be responsible for preparing plans and specifications for the Project in <br />accordance with any and all applicable federal, state and local standards, <br />requirements and best practices. <br />C. INDOT shall be solely responsible for maintaining the Project upon its completion. <br />The City's Responsibilities. <br />A. The City shall be responsible for preparing plans and specifications for the Associated <br />Work in accordance with any and all applicable federal, state and local standards, <br />requirements and best practices. <br />B. The City agrees to pay INDOT for the Associated Work pursuant to the cost estimate <br />attached as Exhibit B and herein incorporated by reference. The City shall pay <br />INDOT the full amount of the Associated Work, which is estimated to be <br />$1,677,300.00, at the time ofletting. INDOT will not begin the Associated Work until <br />it receives full payment from the City. <br />C. The City agrees that it will be solely responsible for any costs that exceed the cost <br />estimate described in Exhibit B related to the Associated Work. The City shall pay <br />INDOT for any estimated cost overrun within thirty (30) calendar days of INDOT <br />providing notice to the City. <br />INDOT shall provide the City a request for a change order before a change order <br />related to the Associated Work is approved. The City shall provide INDOT a <br />response to a request for a change order related to the Associated Work within three <br />(3) business days. <br />D. The City shall be solely responsible for maintaining the Associated Work upon its <br />completion. <br />E. INDOT and the City shall conduct a final walk through of the Associated Work at the <br />end of construction prior to the City accepting the Associated Work. <br />F. The City agrees to accept the Associated Work as full, complete and adequate <br />satisfaction for any and all claims and damages due the City, and its assigns, caused <br />by or arising out of the design or construction of the Associated Work. The City and <br />its assigns covenant that in accepting the Associated Work and conditions, it forever <br />relinquishes all future claims and legal rights they may have in regard to and arising <br />out of the Associated Work and agrees to save and hold harmless the State of Indiana <br />-2 -