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10/05/2006 14:04 FAX 9013886137 RED_ROOF_INN 1Q 001/001 <br />Date Fi fed <br />Application No, <br />Dare received by the Area Platt Cotnmis~ion <br />,X (1ve) the undetsi~tned make applicaiioz~ Ito the Common Caimcil of the Cii}~ of South <br />Bend, Indiana to amend the zoning ordinM1'tnca ~s herein requestcd~ <br />1)~The property sought to be rezoned is located at: <br />1643 rrnlrie Avenue South Bend; Indiana 4f 613 <br />lG35 l~ruiricAvenuc South Dcnd; Tndiana46b13 <br />2}Name ~tnd address of property owner(s) of tl~c petition site: <br />Richard Ta. k'ox <br />P.O. L~o~ l 1412 5outli Bend, Indiana 46G34 <br />(674} 274-7224. <br />~) Name and address Oi' oontingent purcliaser(s), if applicaUle; <br />Ronnie l~iinn~-r ' <br />921 Al~eld Street South $ettd, Indiana 46614 <br />(6 74) 234-0290 <br />4) It is desired axed requested that this property be rezor-ed <br />From: Local Business <br />Tot Cmm~mnity Business <br />5) This tCeioning is requested to allow tbt following uso(s): <br />Au bomobile Repair Shop <br />G) Atta.chcsd is s~. capy of (~) legal description of the pruprrt~+; (b) scvcnteEri (1,7) <br />preliminary site pl;ttts; (c) a statement ofpurposr and intent; {d} a list ot'names and <br />addresses of all property ownetx snd the fR.x key numbers for all propeitie9 within 3Q;) <br />feet of the petition prope>ty; and (e) 3ddr,essed, Stomped envelopes for ull property <br />otivnezs within 300 feet of the petition rropcrty (,~ a location map, if available, dTAwn to <br />sca,lc, which inolude5 street names, printed in 8'/:" x 11" fora?at. <br />' r ~~' <br />Signature(} of All Property o~vnex(s N ~ <br />ar Attorney foz ail property Qtivner(s} <br />1~ETlTJON PREPARED BY: <br />Darcy Minner <br />921, Altgeld Street <br />South Bend, Indiana 46614 <br />(374)234-0290 <br />mArcy.minnCr oQsa~e.epm <br />~i~ed in Clerlg'S ®l~lce <br />OCT - 6 2006 <br />JOHN VOORDE <br />CITY Cl.F.RK, S0. D~:Nt), IN. <br />CONTACT PER5Q1v: (Tf ditT'erent) <br />Ronnie Minncx <br />92l Altgcld Streit <br />South Bend, Indiana 46614 <br />(574)234-0290 <br />