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America. Such Bonds shall be repayable with interest thereon at <br /> such rates and subject to redemption, all in accordance with the <br /> terms of said Bonds, Loan Agreement and Trust Indenture. Such <br /> Bonds shall be dated as of the date of execution and delivery, <br /> and shall be executed on behalf of the City of South Bend, <br /> Indiana, by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and <br /> City Clerk of the City, and sealed with the corporate seal of the <br /> City, and executed and delivered to the purchasers of the Bonds <br /> on or before October 20, 1987 . <br /> Section 5. The Mayor and City Clerk may approve changes and <br /> amendments to the Loan Agreement, Trust Indenture, Economic <br /> Development Revenue Bonds, Note, Mortgage, and other related <br /> documents which do not affect terms contained in this Ordinance. <br /> Section 6. The Resolution of the South Bend Economic <br /> Development Commission, passed on September 4, 1987, is hereby <br /> approved, and the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br /> Indiana, hereby finds that the proposed financing for the <br /> issuance of the Economic Development Revenue Bonds would be of <br /> benefit to the health and welfare of the City of South. Bend, and <br /> that it complies with the purposes and provisions of the Act. <br /> Section 7 . Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36- <br /> 1-5-4, two copies of all documents incorporated in this Ordinance <br /> by reference are on file in the office of the City Clerk for <br /> public inspection. <br /> Section 8. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br /> from and after its passage by the Common Council and approval by <br /> the Mayor. <br /> / <br /> '"ember/ of t e Commo. ouncil <br />