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INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />DATE: <br />TO: <br />June 7, 2021 <br />Matt Longfellow, Public Works <br />Chris Dressel, Community Investment <br />Gerald Ellis, Fire Department <br />Brad Rohrscheib, Police Department <br />FROM: Anne Fuchs, Clerk <br />SUBJECT: Honorary Street Sign Placement <br />ORIGINAL NAME Linden St. <br />NEW NAME: Jimmie Hal Lindsey <br />CRITERIA FOR HONORARY STREET SIGNAGE IS LISTED IN BPW RESOLUTION NO. 48- <br />2009. PLEASE INSERT YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE APPROPRIATE FIELD <br />BELOW FOR THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: <br />1.The signage does/does not constitute a public safety hazard or public nuisance. <br />2.The signage or feature would/would not interfere with normal City operations or services. <br />3.All application, petition, and fee requirements have been met. <br />PUBLIC WORKS: (in consultation with City Engineer and Streets Department) <br />-Traffic & Lighting response: No objections (per Coby Deal) <br />-City Engineer response: No objections (per Kara Boyles) <br />COMMUNITY INVESTMENT: Favorable recommendation. <br />FIRE: Favorable