~, lt1 the }c~lk>~rtng chart pltdasc~ list the ct~nl~~irtitrs~ tll~t «~ill t)tr tt~;ccl tier t}lu trt~rl5trttcti~}n <t~s~~t~i~ttc~~l cc~it tllc ~rc;.jct. tr~cli~~tto tllt~ n~rtnc: ~:trlci
<br />atlclresa i>Ccach cr~nlparl;~•; list the dnllar anltrtlnt t~#"tllc ~4•t~r tc~ 1)rK 1)ri~~~itit;t} })~` e.tcll ccltnl)ttn~°; intlictltc ~~>Il~t}lcr ter dlt)t 1C1~'°~ t~1"tllc oe~t~rl~cr
<br />tlrty trrnpltlr~ccs c~l`tllat c«Illpat2~~ attcl nt)t itlclept~nclettt i:i~ntractt~rs: itldiGatc ~~°Il~tllcr tar t1C1t tflu trtltptttl~~ p<l~~s ~~ ~~~~}c°r~~ a~;4t~c~ tll~rt rllt~i:t tht
<br />ti~ftl~.~c ratcti i'or arch t:krssilic~ttit~n taf lal~t~rcrs ~xrlcl It1c:c11~tnit;5 przt~}i~hc:c} f~~• tlt€: C_}.5. I~:I~ttrtzllc;rlt t~f' L~thc~r; inclit;~it4 ~~~Ilti`tllc:r ter Ilc~t tll
<br />t~~lt~ipan}- cilniributcs ttl a Itc:altll plan lc~r its ctllplt~~~rrt;s, irxlicatc t~~lletlri~r ter t1t)t tilt; Gt1I11pat1S" t:clntril)tttos tt~ rt pt~tl~icnl pltttl tE)r its
<br />tnl~loyccs: and indicate «'llt;tller tlr Clot. the: ct7t1111anv rtlttinttlins ail at'f irtllaltivc: tlctit)n plan t)r rltlltrr similar plan tt) ttt~hiu~c rttcittl cli~-crsit~~.
<br />i~r-ca[ ctlrnpanies include tllase lacatecl in ~i..it)selllt C:olultyl. ~tdtlitit)nal infortllatitarl Intl}€ l~t* rtMcitlcsttWcl fclr ~•crilictttintl clt' this
<br />inf~nnatit~rl. (If ttdtlitiC)nal space is net"dt;d, plt;ttsc ptlotc~cclp~~ this pa~t~),
<br /> 100% Workers i~ay Maintain
<br /> are Em ployees U.S. t?ept. Contribute Con#ribute
<br />Nattte and Address of Contract (Not independent tabor Wage to a Health to a Pension Action
<br />Construction Company Amount Contractors) Rate (YIN} Plan (Y!N} Plan {YtN } Pl~1fYM}
<br />Loco} Companies (see above}:
<br />General Contractor:
<br />1. Majority Builders, Inc., South Bend, IN 5 631,030.00 Yes Na Yes Yes Yes
<br />Sub-Contractors:
<br />2. Amt Asphalt, South Bend, IN S 16,7G6.00 Yes No Yes Yes Yes
<br />~. NS Altman, lna, South Bend, IN S 3,200.00 Yes No Yes No Yes
<br />~. Sharp Interiors. South Bend, IN ~ 57,000.00 Na Na Yes Yes Yes
<br />~. Tri-Valley Glass, South Bend, tN 5121,000.00 Yes No Yes Yes Yes
<br />6. Lambie's Painting, South Bend, IN 5 30,500.00 Yes No No Yes Yes
<br />7, 8arany Sheet Metal, Sauih Bend, IN 5 66,328.00 Yes No Yes Yes Yes
<br />8. Shanlbaugh Inc, Mishawaka, IN S 39,400,00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
<br />9. North Central Mech. Mishawaka, IN 5281,000.00 Yes Na Yes Yes Yes
<br />10. Campbell Electric, Mishawaka, IN 5155,200.00 Yes No Yes Yes Yes
<br />11. Caa#ings Appl'scation & Waterproofing C a 5 47,242.00 Yes No Yes Yes Yes
<br />12. J. Dzierla & Assoc. South Bend, IN 5150,.000.00 Yes NIA Yes Yes Yes
<br />Total t_acal 5967,636.00
<br />Non~Lacal Companies:
<br />1.Austin Masonry, Michigan City, IN 529,980.00 Yes No Yes Yes Yes
<br />2.Michiana Steel Erection, Elkhart, IN S 9,000.00 Yes No Yes Yes Yes
<br />3.LaSalle Bristol, Elkhart, IN 575,441,00 Yes No Yes Yes Yes
<br />4.BearAcoustics, Columbia, City, IN 541,892.00 Yes Na Yes Yes Yes
<br />S, Lue manufacturing, Wakarusa, IN 545,021,00 Yes No Yes Yes Yes
<br />Total Non-Local S ?_01,334.00
<br />GLAND TC3TAL S 1,800,000.00
<br />Total t~rojet:t Cost from Petition 5 1.800,000.00
<br />Difference (Please explain}: 5 0.00
<br />{~
<br />{t~~z t:' '~t't~fiF
<br />