alien. Contractor agrees shall enroll in and verify the work eligibility status of all of
<br />Contractor's newly hir :: ees tr rough the E -Verify program as defined by I.C. 22-5-1.7-3.
<br />Contractor's documentatioi:x-,=ollh-nent and participation in the E -Verify Program is included
<br />and attached as part of this bid/quote,- and
<br />5. Contractor 51-_1_: _ ii_e :pis/ner/its subcontractors performing work under this public
<br />contract to certify subcom-factors do not krAowingly employ or contract with an
<br />unauthorized alien, nor .e-G7n, any ernployce or contract with a person that the subcontractor
<br />subsequently learns is an unauthorized alien, and that the subcontractor has enrolled in and is
<br />participating in the E-Vcrif., The. Contractor agrees to maintain this certification
<br />throughout the term sf tie City o? South Bend, and understands that the City
<br />may terminate the con:rac r"' F .= f the Contractor fails to care a breach of this provision no
<br />later than thirty ,30? ays a`: �-. -- otifiLd by the City.
<br />6. Persons, _=____. :.: s, corporations, associations, or joint venturers awarded a
<br />contract by the ---,y :: -.onn4 tnrougl Its agencies, boards, or commissions shall not
<br />discriminate age_ -_-s _. e c. anpiicarn or employr_�ent in the performance of a City
<br />contract with -r;--s-L,,-c-. ----n-ns, conditions, or privileges of employment, or any matter
<br />directly or indirectly rw _ nest because of race, sex, religion, color, national origin,
<br />ancestry, age, at4.v -- ...: ::art_:, sexual orientation or disability that does not
<br />affect that persor•`s
<br />In awarding contracts "c. v r cease or work, labor, services, supplies, equipment, materials, or
<br />any combinar:,r_ W :.: ; c_.41irg b t not iinnited to, public works contracts awarded
<br />under public bic:di::g ' a ; .- . _ c _. ::o:_i_ _:cts un wriicn publlc bids are not required by law, the City,
<br />its agencies; boards, o cors de- the Contractor's good faith efforts to obtain
<br />participation by i_ - ::- tiflcd by the State of Indiana as a Minority Business
<br />("MBE") or as a' as a factor in determining the lowest,
<br />responsible rest_
<br />Contractors sec's - , contra: _. snot be required to award a subcontract to an
<br />MWBE; howe°%,-�_ _ _ rinate against said MBE/WBE. A finding of
<br />noncompliance or ::.:V_s.: _.._ ::._:.-o_-v p_—rl--ice ohibit that Contractor from being awarded a
<br />City contract - :. _ - _ _. .. -_ _ ; :.-I)m the date of such determination, and such
<br />determination m;�:V:cls _ - -_ -- -_: s °lpe contact to which the discriminatory practice
<br />or noncompliance
<br />7. The undersi ="_e _,} r,v _ t_ :- c -o{lowingnondiscrimination commitment shall
<br />be made a par, aT �_ : -n enter into with the City of South Bend,
<br />Indiana or any of =a
<br />Contractor awe s --==-r_._ __ _ cr intimidate any employee or applicant for
<br />employment in v =,viti� privileges of employment, or any matter
<br />directly or - = :: :- because of race, religion, color, sex, gender
<br />expression, ge__4 - :::. _randicap, national origin or ancestry. Breach of
<br />this provision may be .: _ .;"r > -)reach of contract.
<br />I, the undersigne:, tractor or, a ;oub is works project, understand my statutory
<br />obligations to r_a :- : o :car: ry x-oducts made in the United States (I.C. 5-16-
<br />8-1). I hereby ee: -W. - .._ _ ~:contraciors empioyed by me for this project will use steel
<br />Version 2/1412020 Page - 'i C Public Works Quote
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