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CITY OF SOUTH BET <br />MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS E ENTERPRISE INCLUSION PROGRAM PI -AN <br />FORM 11 BE- ,0 i <br />r 11 <br />EVIDENCE OF GOOD FAITH EFFORT <br />This cornpleted form should be included as part of the Bids d0rUrT1er1ts related to City of Borah Berld Public <br />Works Projects regUirim Good Faith Efforts to obtain MWBE participat.roRi, <br />Pryr ect Numer <br />Project Name - <br />121-1301 <br />2021 Carb and Sidewalk Construction <br />Bidder � _ LLL <br />Contact Person. V 1a j5J r4, <br />- <br />Addressr�l 0r C <br />City' —`t 6,� G t.. -,Lk State. _Jn , Ck f% zip. /9 <br />Email- I4 s 4 'lie I g e n (4 <br />To determine, whether a bidder has demonstrated good faith efforts to reach the MWBE utilizal:Dn goals set forth in <br />the City of South Boric, Public Works Pr jestpec:Ifc la cons, tho City and its -agencies, boards, or cornmissions, <br />REQUIRE ALL of the following Good Fath Efforts as listed in the table be -ow` <br />EVIDE �.E OF GOOD FAITH EFFORTS <br />. MWBE LIST(S), The hir der reviewed 1) the City of South Beads Knonty and Women RUSi ness <br />Eriterpr1�;e Ir7olosion Prograrn Plar , ) lt)e list of cortrfir~O. M BEs provided by tt)o (,'ity, and 3) the Indiana <br />Department of Administration list of Minority and Women vfv.-d Rr,sinesses (both certified and non- <br />nertifir:d,1 found at- ft:vv in. viid. <br />GOOD FAITH EFFORTS TO OBTAIN MWBE PARTICIPATION <br />— _ — d <br />Tt)e bidder shall initial each item befog, as evidence of its good faith efforts t�) oK3 r) MWBE <br />participation rri the awarded contract - <br />S -Z <br />_ _ 4 <br />1 affirm t)al I reviewed the City of South Bend's Minomy and Women Business Enterprise <br />Inclusion Program Plan and the Indiana Departmer,J of Administration's certifiec list of <br />Iridiar)e Minonity and Women Enterprises, found on their welusito <br />affirm that I have mace good failh offorts to select portions of Ilie clontract work to be <br />performed by M BEs. including, where appropriate, breaking out contract work rterns into <br />economically feasible ,inits to facilitate M'A'1317- participation. <br />affirm 'hat I Frage made good faith efforts to solicit through X3;1 masonab;e and avai't35 C: <br />means the interu,}�t of all IVlVVBEs in the scupr:s of work of the contract. <br />I affirm that I attended al pre-hld meeti rigs scheduled by the City of South Bend to inform <br />N1WBF s of contracting -a rid subconIracIii ng opportunities <br />affirm that I advertised in general circulation andler Uade association publications <br />f conc..or*n inn subcontract opporkinities and Wowed KIWBF-, reasonatle time to Tospond to <br />such adverfii oments. <br />I affirm that I perfarmod any anc: ali necessary steps to provide written notices in a manner <br />reascmably calcilated to infofm 1 BES o' subcontracting opportunities and allowed <br />sufficient lime for MWBEs to participate effectively, <br />affirm that I followed up on initial solicitations will.1i interested M BEs <br />V/ <br />JI affirm that I negotiated with interested MVVBEs in good faith, irlCluding PrOVIding SUCh <br />MVIM Es with adequale lriformation about trig: planisi specifications and other requirements <br />i of the subcontract. <br />affirm that I have made good faith efforts to assist interested MWBEs in ohtaining <br />Mending, lines f credit, or insuranco as required try the Citi+ or the bldc�cr, vwhere <br />propri��te. <br />Version 011112021 c ntractor's Bid for Peb[ic Worms - 1 <br />