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Tuesday December 17. 1904. <br />SPECIAL SESSION TUESDAY EVENING AT 7:15 P. H. DECF214BER 13, 1904. <br />The Board met in Special session at 7:15 P. M. All mmiibers present. <br />Hearing was given on assessment roll far awards and damages on Cherry street <br />opening and widening, under Condemnation resolution No. 16 adopted on the 23rd day of <br />August 1904. <br />The Board being fully advised in the matter. It being unanimously resolved that <br />this Condemnation Resolution No. 16 be and is hereby in all things recinded and <br />no further action to be taken on same. <br />Hearing on South Bend avenue Trunk Sewer, from River to Arthur street, under <br />improvement resolution No. 191, was held over until Friday D*c. 16, 1904 at 10 A. MG <br />Hearing given on assessment rolls and final estimates for the following <br />improvements, to -wit: - <br />Grade, Curb & Walk on Quincy street from Cottage Grove avenue <br />to Allen street, Bissell street from Eddy street to Arthur street, Florence street <br />from Johnson street to Wilber street, Brick pavement on alley east of Michigan <br />street .from Wayne street to Grand Trunk alley, Cement curbs on College street <br />from Washington street to Linden avenue, All under Improvement resolutions Nos. <br />2162 2222 2132 209 215 respectively. <br />No remonstrators appeared and no remonstrances were filed. The Board therefore <br />find that the property assessed in said rolls filed December 3, 190A2 is benefitted <br />in the amount of assessments as shown on said rolls, and the Board of Public Works <br />find that the assessments rolls Piled December 3, 1904 and the final estimates allowed <br />December 3, 1904 should be and the same are hereby in all things ratified, confirmed <br />and approved. <br />President. <br />