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5sgtion F - PemJt & Aaeenfart <br />1. Pursuant to Local Ordinance No. 10628-18. therer, a $25 00 non refundable fee for app6c3doni filed 3r1 <br />days or greater in advance of Mr event date S50 ei <br />.ora non -f . ud exped[ed fa far appfnlfotu fled <br />between 14 and 29 days in advance of the event date. <br />2. All residents within the affected area must be notified of fhis event The APPLICANT must obtar. <br />signatures from at least 10 residents that reside along the dosed right-of-way and make an attempt to <br />notify all other affected residents. APPLICANTS must kclude a copy of a brodrwe or letter of Ynkatim <br />d1str6uted to all affected neighbors desa*ft the event purpom date, and time_ <br />3. The APPLICANT is responsible. poor to the event for deterr irvrg if there are arty affected residents Lhat <br />need assistance accessing their residence. The APPLICANT is responsible for providire said residernttsi <br />access or transportation to their property. <br />4. The cones will be delivered to the APPLICANTS address. The APPLICANT assumes h/ responsilbily, for <br />clean-up and assures the City that all cores will be maintained and returned undamaged The APPLICANT <br />will be liable for the replacement cost of $50.00 per cone as a result of any missing or <br />damaged cafes. <br />5. Block parties must end by 8:00 p.m. <br />& A street will be blocked off from intersection to intersection only. No half _Modes or alleys can be blocked <br />Off. <br />7. The Special Events Committee reserves the right to deny any block party application, based on traffic and <br />speed limit records. No street may be dosed with a speed limit over 30 MPH or conWered to be a major <br />arterial. <br />8. The Special Events Committee reserves the right to deny any block party appfia bon based On ffOrnBOOn <br />gathered from the South Bend Police Deparbrnent a other sources <br />9. The APPLICANT agrees to allow residents that live an the above -referenced bfodo access in ad out of true <br />restricted area as needed. <br />10. The APPLICANT agrees to abide by all terms and conditions of the South Bend Mu,igpai Code ad Board <br />Of Public Works' policy adopted in Resolution No. 10628-18 on December. 11.201& <br />11. Notification of approval; denial of this request will be issued by retLm of this form upon signed <br />authorization by the Board of Public Works. <br />12. The City of South Bend Noise Ordinance is in effect at all fours. Between the hours of 1L-00 pm aid <br />7:00 am certain noses are particularly prohibited. These include operating stereos. speakers, mwaicat <br />instruments. and other sound reproduction devices if audible fifty i50) feet away, as wen as shouting <br />yelling hooting. whistling. or singing in the streets in a manner to &stbrb the peas R'Autidpal Code 13- <br />57). <br />