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centerline of Ewing Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of High <br /> Street;thence South along said line to its intersection with the centerline of <br /> Altgeld Street; thence East along said line to its intersection with the <br /> centerline of York Road;thence Southerly along said line to its intersection <br /> with the centerline of Hilltop Drive;thence Southeasterly along said line to its <br /> intersection with the centerline Southridge Drive; thence Southerly along said <br /> line to its intersection with Ridgedale Road;thence East along said line to its <br /> intersection with the centerline of Ironwood Drive;thence North along said <br /> line, 1,324.28 feet to the City of Mishawaka Boundary; thence East 2,902 <br /> feet;thence South 5,346.02 feet; thence West 992.58 feet; thence South <br /> 1,321.20 feet to the centerline of Ireland Road; thence West 664.66 feet <br /> along said centerline of Ireland Road; thence South 40 feet to the South <br /> right-of-way line of Ireland Road; thence West 652.57 feet along the South <br /> right-of-way line of Ireland Road to a point of intersection with the East line <br /> extended of Lot A of Hi-View Original Town 1st Replat;thence South 388.45 <br /> feet parallel to the East line of Lot 16 of Hi-View to the North line of Lot 148; <br /> thence West 60 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 16; thence South 970 <br /> feet along the East line of Lots 17 through 31 of said Hi-View to a point 30 <br /> feet South of the Northeast corner of Lot 31; thence West 210 feet to the <br /> center of Ironwood Road; thence South along said centerline to its <br /> intersection with the centerline of Jackson Road; thence East 3,960 feet <br /> along said centerline; thence South 237 feet; thence East 200 feet; thence <br /> North 237 feet to the centerline of Jackson Rd.; thence East to its intersection <br /> with the centerline of Grass Road; thence Southerly on said centerline of <br /> Grass Road, 900 feet; thence West 1,320 feet;thence South 3,060 feet; <br /> thence Westerly 2,640 feet; thence North 713 feet to the Southeast corner of <br /> Deer Hollow Subdivision Lot 8; thence West 1,179.11 feet along the South <br /> line of Deer Hollow Subdivision to the Southeast corner of Stonehedge <br /> Subdivision Section 3, Part 1;thence Northerly 778.65 feet along the east <br /> line of Stonehedge Subdivision Section 3, Part 1 to the North line of said <br /> Subdivision;thence Westerly 299.96 feet along said line to the Westerly line <br /> of Deer Hollow Subdivision;thence Northerly 405.89 feet to the North line of <br /> Stoneridge Subdivision Section 3, Part 2;thence West 924.35 feet along said <br /> line Northeast corner of Lot number 26 Stonehedge Subdivision Section 2; <br /> thence South 376.68 feet along the east line of said Lot 26;thence <br /> Southeasterly 73.94 feet along the North line of said Lot 26 to a point on the <br /> West RIW of Bromley Chase; thence S 30-0-'00 W, along the West R/W line <br /> of said Bromley Chase, a distance of 161.69 feet to a point of curvature of a <br /> tangent curve;thence Southwesterly along a curve to the right, said curve <br /> having a radius of 30.00 feet and being subtended by a long chord having a <br /> bearing of S 72-04-50 W and a length of 40.21 feet an arc distance of 44.07 <br /> Page 11 of 16 <br /> Abonmarche Consultants <br />