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G.)POTASSIUM PERMANGANAT> <br />A. MATERIAL <br />i. Free Flowing Grade Potassium Permanganate shall meet the requirements of <br />AW WA Specification 603-98 and shall be manufactured domestically and <br />certified suitable for use in public water supply by appropriate state and <br />federal agencies. <br />B. DELIVERY <br />i. The potassium permanganate shall be delivered in 55 pound pails made of 24- <br />gauge steel or plastic and shall be equipped with a handle. <br />1. The pails shall remain the property of the South Bend <br />Water Works. <br />2. The pails shall be unloaded and neatly stacked at the <br />popping stations. <br />ii. Deliveries will be ordered on an as needed basis with each delivery consisting <br />of approximately 8 to 16 (55 Lb.) pails. <br />Deliveries must be made within 5 days of placement of the order. <br />iv. Vendor shall deliver pails to the following site: <br />1. Water Works North Station — 830 North Michigan Street <br />