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F. PERIODIC RETESTING AND RE -INSPECTION <br />1. Cylinder and Ton Containers to be Tested <br />a) Cylinders (except DOT 3E 1800) and ton containers inttsi be retested at lease <br />once in five years (DOT Section 173.34e and Section 173.31 d). <br />b) Cylinders cannot be filled until they are retested after the five year• anniversary <br />of the month ha ivhich it ivas tested. Ton containers can be filled until the end of <br />the calendar year during ivhich their five year test is due. <br />c) Retests are also required after any reheat treatment. In addition, retest any <br />container ivhich shows evidence of iveakness at any time, or show a S percent or <br />more loss in weight. <br />2. Test Procedure <br />a) Cylinders and ton containers are laydr•ostaltcally retested by llae hydrostatic <br />expansion method [DOT Section 173.34 (a) and Section 173.31 (d)J. If at the <br />lime of requalification a container shows a leak or a permanent expansion which <br />exceeds 10% of the total expansion, it must be condemned. <br />3. Container Records <br />a) Records vrusl be kept showing results of the test. Each container must have the <br />lest date plainly and permanently stamped into the metal ofone head or the <br />chine of each task passing the hydrostatic retest. <br />G. CONDITIONS OF DELIVERY <br />I. A South Bend Water Works representative shall specify the location for <br />chlorine cylinder and ton container deliveries. <br />2. Delivery Locations: <br />Location <br />T e of Container <br />Address <br />North Station <br />on Container <br />830 North Michigan Street <br />Carria e Hills <br />Cylinder <br />52290 Shenandoah Drive <br />Erskine <br />Cylinder <br />4116 <br />South Fellows Street <br />South <br />M <br />on Container <br />3600 <br />South Main Street <br />Cleveland Southlinder <br />4900 <br />Cleveland Road <br />Cleveland Northlinder <br />4949 <br />Cleveland Road <br />Wastewater <br />12,000, lb. <br />Ton Container <br />3113 <br />Riverside Drive <br />3. Vendor personnel shall conduct all activities related to the loading and <br />unloading of cylinders. <br />4. Ton containers will need to be delivered with a cherry picker. <br />5. Minimum deliveries are one (1) ton containers and twelve (12) 150# <br />cylinders. <br />6. Supplier must be able to guarantee delivery within 3 to 4 calendar days <br />after order placement <br />7. Vendor personnel shall not unload any filled cylinders or ton containers prior <br />to live inspection by South Bend Water Works Personnel. <br />