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Inclement Weather Plan - This plan should include, but is not limited to: <br />o Safety measures that will be taken in the event of a tornado warning, tornado watch, <br />thunderstorm, and extreme temperatures. <br />There seems to be a glitch here in the application and I can only put the same response for <br />this question and the next. So for this question - on Cleanup Plan - we will have trash boxes. <br />Our ambassadors and staff will make sure that the area is cleaned after the event. <br />For Inclement Weather Plan - We plan to closely monitor the forecast during the week of the <br />event and if the weather looks threatening, we will cancel the outdoor portion. If unforeseen <br />inclement weather pops up the day of the event, we will close early and encourage visitors to <br />either leave the event or head inside a nearby business. <br />• Proposed Lost and Found Plan - This plan should include, but is not limited to: <br />o A description of the use of signage, announcements on public address systems or pre -event <br />handouts. <br />The ambassadors handle lost and found in the downtown area. <br />Section H - Site Plan 1 Route Man <br />For parades, races and other processional events: <br />Are you selecting one of South Bend Police Department's (SBPD) pre -approved race routes? ❑ Yes ❑ No <br />You must select from SBPD's pre -approved race routes (see links on application site) or provide sufficient <br />evidence of event participation if the applicant is proposing a different route through South Bend. <br />If your event will not be using a pre -approved race route, the proposed event map should include a route plan <br />clearly identifying the timing and locations of proposed street closures, and the direction of parade <br />movement. <br />If your event will not be using a pre -approved race route, please explain: <br />