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Contractor's Financial Statement <br />Submitted by Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. 0 A Corporation <br />- 11 A Co -partnership <br />3626 Elkhart Road, P.O. Box 477, Goshen, IN 46527-0477 An Individual <br />with principal office at ----- - - ------- - A --------- ------------------------------------------------------- <br />To . -L, <br />i-hA- 0� ---- --- 160 - - — -------- — --------- — ------- — ------- — ------- — ------ — -------- — — ------ — ------- — -------- <br />ConA?tion at close of business December 31, 2020 <br />Dollars <br />Cts. <br />ASSETS <br />1. Cash: (a) On hand <br />0 <br />(b) In bank- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- <br />-- 14 <br />3 <br />8 <br />---- <br />6 <br />------------- <br />7 <br />-- ---- <br />(c) Elsewhere <br />2. Notes receivable (a) Due within 90 days ....... ___ .............. ..................... <br />(b) Due after 90 days <br />(c) Past due <br />3. Accounts receivable from completed contracts, exclusive of claims not approved for payment ................................. <br />4 <br />8 <br />3 <br />7 <br />7 <br />2 8 <br />4. Sums earned on uncompleted contracts as shown by engineer's or architect's estimate <br />(a) Amount receivable after deducting retainage ............................................... <br />_4 <br />4 <br />2 <br />7 <br />3 <br />7 <br />1 1 <br />(b) Retainage to date. due upon completion of contracts <br />5. Accounts receivable from sources other than construction contracts0 <br />------------- <br />..... <br />...... <br />6. Deposits for bids or other guarantees: (a) Recoverable within 90 days ...... <br />...... <br />........ . I-- . ....... <br />(b) Recoverable after 90 days ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br />-------- <br />------ <br />7. Interest accrued on loans, securities, etc. OTHER CURRENT ASSETS ...... *"'***"* .................... ------ <br />2 <br />-------- <br />2 <br />------ <br />5 <br />------ <br />9 <br />----- <br />5 <br />6 <br />1 0 <br />8. Real estate: (a) Used for business purposes ... . . ..... ------------------ --------------------------------------- <br />4 <br />--- ------ <br />5 <br />I— ........... <br />1 <br />1 <br />7 <br />5 <br />8 6 <br />(b) Not used for business purposes <br />0 <br />9. Stocks and bonds: (a) Listed — present market value <br />(b) Unlisted — present value --------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------- <br />-------- <br />------ <br />--------------------------- <br />0 <br />10. Materials in stock not included in Item 4 (a) For uncompleted contract (present value) ............................................ <br />.. <br />-------- -------- ----------- <br />0 <br />(b) Other materials (present value) ---------- <br />7 <br />2 <br />0 <br />------ <br />6 <br />------ <br />9 <br />------------- <br />5 <br />4 3 <br />5 <br />----- <br />------ <br />1 <br />----- <br />11. Equipment, book value <br />-------------------- <br />9 <br />------ <br />6 <br />..... <br />5 <br />. ........... <br />3 <br />------- ------ ------------ <br />8 2 <br />12. Furniture and fixtures, book value <br />---- <br />------ <br />--- 9. <br />A- <br />. 1--.- ... ........ <br />1 <br />13. Other assets3 <br />............................................................................................................. ............................. ------------------------ ............. <br />... <br />6 <br />- --- <br />8 <br />----- <br />7 <br />5 <br />9 <br />-9-- ............ <br />1 9 <br />Total assets <br />43 <br />1 <br />5 <br />2 <br />2 <br />3 <br />2 2 <br />LIABILITIES <br />1. Notes payable: (a) To banks regular --- -------------------------- .............. ­ ........ * ...................... <br />............... <br />7 <br />8 <br />.. -- <br />0 <br />-- -- <br />9 <br />------ <br />2 <br />---- <br />7 2 - <br />(b) To banks for certified checks <br />----------- <br />0 <br />(c) To others for equipment obligations <br />(d) To others exclusive of equipment obligations <br />2. Accounts payable: (a) Not past due2 <br />------------------------------------- <br />---- ------ <br />7 <br />---- -- <br />8 <br />------- <br />2 <br />------- <br />2 <br />------- <br />5 <br />------ <br />4 3 <br />------- <br />(b) Past due <br />------- - ----------- <br />3. Real estate enctunbrances <br />4. Other liabilities ------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------ <br />--- 4 <br />2 <br />... <br />1 <br />............. <br />3 <br />1 <br />...... <br />8 <br />3 5 <br />5. Reserves --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- * .............................................................. <br />... — --------- <br />----- <br />6. Capital stock paid lip: (a) Common ------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />------ <br />1 <br />-- - <br />2 <br />-- -- <br />6 <br />-- --- <br />5 <br />-------------- <br />.......... <br />0 0 <br />(b) Common ry <br />------------------ - ---- - ------- - ----------- !-TR�.Y ------------------------------------------------ <br />(4 <br />---- <br />9 <br />------ <br />---`---- <br />6 <br />------ <br />7 <br />----- <br />1 <br />-------------- <br />----- <br />5 9).. ......... <br />--- <br />(c) Preferred <br />(d) Preferred Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss <br />------------------------ - ................................................ <br />........ <br />. <br />8 - <br />4 <br />-------------- <br />9 --- <br />7. Surplus (net worth) <br />40 <br />3 <br />8 <br />8 <br />7 <br />8 <br />--------- <br />2 2 <br />— ------------- <br />Total liabilities .............. <br />-------- <br />43 <br />....... <br />------ <br />1 <br />...... <br />-- — <br />5 <br />...... <br />------------- <br />2 <br />............. <br />2 <br />......... <br />3 <br />..... <br />_. _ <br />2 <br />..... <br />_ <br />2 <br />.................. <br />CONTINGENT LIABILITIES <br />1. Liability on notes receivable, discounted or sold <br />2. Liability on accounts receivable, pledged, assigned or sold ------------------- <br />3. Liability as bondsman <br />1. Liability as guarantor on contracts or on accounts of others <br />5. Other contingent liabilities <br />Total contingent liabilities <br />0 <br />