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IX. PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS <br />A. Prevailing Specifications: 2020, INDOT Standard Specifications Sec. 108 <br />B. Additions: <br />1. The project will have a completion date of April 30, 2021. The contract time will start when the <br />Notice to Proceed is delivered and signed. <br />a. Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating work with City in anticipation of volunteer day <br />at EI Campito site. Work should tentatively take place the week of April W1 to provide for <br />shortest possible temporary street closure time. Contractor shall be responsible for <br />coordinating in advance with City Water Works to ensure that tap can be made during tentative <br />work period. <br />2. The City, Engineer, and Contractor will hold a pre -construction meeting following award of the <br />contract. The date of the Notice to Proceed will be agreed at that meeting. <br />3. Contractor shall provide a schedule to the Owner prior to beginning any work on the site. <br />X. CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIME <br />A. Prevailing Specifications: 2020, IN DOT Standard Specifications Section 108 <br />B. Additions <br />1. The Contract Time may only be changed by Change Order. Any Claim for an extension in the <br />Contract Time shall be based on written notice delivered to the Department of Public Works within <br />seven (7) calendar days of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim. Notice of the extent <br />of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within fourteen (14) calendar days after such <br />occurrence unless an official of the Public Works Department allows an additional period of time to <br />ascertain more accurate data. The Contract Time will be extended in an amount equal to time lost <br />to delays beyond the control of the Contractor if a claim is made in accordance with this provision. <br />Such delays shall include acts of neglect by the Public Works employees, or to fres, flood, labor <br />disputes, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, governmental procedures, or acts of God. <br />2. Unless otherwise provided, the Contract time is based upon normal weather conditions. An <br />extension is granted for weather conditions significantly more severe than normal if the Contractor <br />demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City that the delay in the progress of the work was due to <br />such weather. The basis to define normal weather with be the data compiled by the United States <br />Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). <br />3. No extension of time will be granted if the Contractor, by his/her/its own action or inaction, including <br />fault or negligence of Contractor's subcontractors, caused the delay, or for which any remedies are <br />provided under any other provision of this agreement. <br />4. The grant of an extension of time under this Section in no way constitutes a waiver by the City of <br />any rights or remedies existing under this contract at law or in equity. <br />XI. DEFAULT AND TERMINATION <br />A. Prevailing Specifications: 2020, IN DOT Standard Specifications Section 108 <br />B. Additions: <br />1. Events of Default shall include Contractor's failure to perform any of its obligations under this <br />contract including failure to commence work at the time specified, failure to perform the work in <br />accordance with these specifications, unauthorized discontinuation of the work, failure to carry out <br />the work in a manner acceptable to the City, failure to observe Federal, State, or local laws or <br />regulations, and failure to comply with any other term of this contract. <br />2. If an Event of Default occurs, the City shall provide Contractor written notice and may permit <br />Contractor ten (10) calendar days after the date of the notice to cure the default. If the default is <br />not cured within the ten (10) day cure period, the City may at any time thereafter terminate this <br />contract in which case the termination shall be final and effective. <br />3. Upon an Event of Default, the City may invoke the following remedies in addition to those remedies <br />provided under separate provisions of this contract, the right of set-off against any payments due <br />or to become due to the Contractor against the retainage, the right to take over and complete the <br />Work. If the City notifies Contractor that City is invoking its right to complete the Work, all rights that <br />Version 2/1412020 Fuge - 3 Public Works Quote <br />