Category BOM LABOR Category Total Running total
<br />Audio | LAN Center PA bid billed difference bid billed
<br />5,400.95 5,400.95 (0.00)1,980.00 1,980.00 7,380.95 7,380.95
<br />Comments:None
<br />Furnishing | Gaming bid billed difference bid billed
<br />45,407.61 52,856.85 7,449.24 16,110.00 16,110.00 68,966.85 76,347.80
<br />Comments:
<br />ggC submitted bid had $2,768 for foam flooring tiles based on the amazon linked provided from BOM. After a sample was
<br />purchased, it was determined that the foam flooring was not adequate to the needs of the Bendix Arena. Rubber fitlock tiles were
<br />purchased instead with a total cost of: $13,080.60; leaving an overspend of $10,312. Because ggC was dilligent in obtaining the
<br />best prices on other materials in this section, we were able to pass additional savings onto the City of South Bend (hence the total
<br />overage for this section being $7,449.24 instead of the $10,312 that it could have been).
<br />Grip | Production bid billed difference bid billed
<br />51,455.00 51,455.00 0.00 20,060.00 20,060.00 71,515.00 147,862.80
<br />Comments:None
<br />Lighting bid billed difference bid billed
<br />25,611.00 25,611.00 0.00 11,700.00 11,700.00 37,311.00 185,173.80
<br />Comments:None
<br />IT | PC & Console bid billed difference bid billed
<br />87,252.43 78,014.58 (9,237.85)8,910.00 8,910.00 86,924.58 272,098.38
<br />Comments:
<br />The massive savings in this section were gained mostly by leveraging our relationship with HP OMEN and Zowie Benq to obtain
<br />the best pricing on the newest equipment on the market that fit the specs and needs of the Bendix Arena without sacrificing
<br />customer expectations. These savings were passed onto the City of South Bend in order to purchase better equipment &
<br />materials from other sections of the project.
<br />IT | Networking bid billed difference bid billed
<br />6,396.73 5,670.02 (726.71)4,455.00 4,455.00 10,125.02 282,223.40
<br />Comments:Saved some $$ by building equipment instead of ordering pre-builts
<br />LVI bid billed difference bid billed
<br />3,635.99 3,055.45 (580.54)900.00 900.00 3,955.45 286,178.85
<br />Comments:Saved some $$ by building equipment instead of ordering pre-builts
<br />Video Production bid billed difference bid billed
<br />9,192.00 16,732.55 7,540.55 1,440.00 1,440.00 18,172.55 304,351.40
<br />Comments:
<br />#1 The four tvs spec'd in the submitted bid were for the previous generation of xbox and PS4. With the new ones being released
<br />in November, purchasing better tvs to meet customer expectations and output requirements was paramount. #2 In order to meet
<br />the needed functionality of the Bendix Arena with NDI and streaming technology to be shown on the 75" truss mounted TVs,
<br />different models with better integrated software and better picture quality were purchased. ggCircuit used some of the savings
<br />from the "IT | PC & Console" section to make this purchase
<br />Furnishing | Stage bid billed difference bid billed
<br />33,983.00 31,466.88 (2,516.12)7,740.00 7,740.00 39,206.88 343,558.28
<br />Comments:None
<br />Video | CAM bid billed difference bid billed
<br />4,198.00 4,198.00 0.00 360.00 360.00 4,558.00 348,116.28
<br />Comments:None
<br />Grip | CAM bid billed difference bid billed
<br />3,534.00 3,534.00 0.00 360.00 360.00 3,894.00 352,010.28
<br />Comments:None
<br />NDI bid billed difference bid billed
<br />2,970.00 2,970.00 0.00 1,080.00 1,080.00 4,050.00 356,060.28
<br />Comments:None