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(A) in connection with which any appeal <br /> is made for any charitable organization or purpose; <br /> (B) where the name of any charitable <br /> organization is used or referred to in any appeal made for any <br /> charitable organization as an inducement or reason for making a sale <br /> described in this subdivision; or <br /> (C) when or where in connection with a <br /> sale described in this subdivision any statement is made that the <br /> whole or any part of the proceeds from the sale will be used for any <br /> charitable purpose or for the benefit of any charitable organization. <br /> gh. Solicitation shall be deemed to have taken <br /> place when the request is made, whether or not the person making the <br /> same solicitation receives any contribution referred to in this <br /> section. <br /> i. Nonprofessional solicitor is a person who volun- <br /> tarily and without financial consideration solicits contributions <br /> for, or on behalf of, a person or charitable organization. <br /> (eb) Exeeptieas-te-this-seetien The following <br /> solicitations shall not be subject to the provisions of this section: <br /> f}}-Pelitieal-parties;-as-defined-by-Indiana-lava; <br /> their-subdivisieas;-and-their-bean-fide-eandidates-far-puelie-effiee <br /> are-speeifieaiiy-exempted-frem-and-shall-net-be-subject-to-the <br /> previsiens-ef-this-seetea-as-the-intent-ef-this-seetien-is-te <br /> regucafe-the-selieitatiea-ef-eharitable-eeatribtttiens- <br /> (1)f2} Charitable solicitations which raise less than <br /> five hundred dollars ($500.00) in total contributions shall-net-be <br /> subject-te-flee-prevseas-ef-this-seetiea. <br /> ( 2) Solicitations made by and on behalf of a charitable <br /> organization which is conducted solely by members or officers thereof <br /> voluntarily and without remuneration, among the established and bona <br /> fide membership or the normal constituency or supporters thereof. <br /> ( 3 ) Solicitations which are in the form of collections <br /> or contributions collected at regular assemblies or services of a <br /> charitable organization. <br /> ( 4) Solicitations conducted by and for the benefit of <br /> churches and other religious organizations. <br /> f d}-eharitabie-selieitatien-eemmissien;-membership <br /> appeintmeat----Terms-ef-effiee;-remuaeratiea- <br /> f}}-There-is-ereated;-fer-the-admiaistratiea-ef-this <br /> seetien;-a-eharitable-Selieitatien-eemmissieaT--Members-ef-this <br /> eemmissiea-shall-be-appeiated-by-the-Mayer-te-serve-far-pereds-ef <br /> fear-f 4}-years- <br /> f 2}-,day-vaeaaey-eeeurring-shall-be-f iiied-in-flee-same <br /> manner-as-previded-for- a-the-erigiaai-appeiatment-exeept-that-the <br /> first-eemmissien-shall-be-appeiated-as-fellews---Three-f3}-of-tl1e <br /> members-shall-be-appeinted-far-terms-ef-eae-fl}-Year;-tae-f2}-shall <br /> ee-appeiatmeat-far-terms-ef-twe-f2}-years;-aad-tae-f2}-shall-be <br /> appeinted-far-terms-ef-three-f3}-Years---Thereafter;-ail-terms-shall <br /> be-fer-perieds-ef-feur-f4}-years-as-hereiaabeve-previded7 <br /> f 3}-The-members-ef-this-eemmissiea-shall-serve-witheut <br /> remuneration-aad-aay-member-may-be-remeved-by-the-Mayer <br /> +e+-Same--Qualifieatieas;-emeeptieas- <br /> fl}-The-eemmissien-shall-be-eempesed-ef-seven-f7}-mem- <br /> bers-and-shall-eeasist-ef-ene-fl}-member-whe-is-an-effieer-of-the <br /> Peliee-Bepartment-designated-by-the-ehief-ef-Peiiee-aad-six-f6}-addi- <br /> tieaal-members-to-be-appointed-by-the-Mayer;-eae-f}}-ea-reeemmenda- <br /> tien-ef-the-St:-3eseph-eeunty-APB-eIe-eetineil;-eae-fl}-en-reeemmea- <br /> datien-of-the-Better-Business-Bureau -eae-fl}-ea-reeemmeadatiea-ef <br /> the-eeuaeil-ef-ehurehes-of-St--Joseph-eeuaty;-eae-f4i-ea-reeemmea- <br /> datiea-ef-the-St--Joseph-earl.aty-Veteran-eemmaaderis-eetiaeii-aad-two <br /> f2}-from-the-eitiseary-at-large- <br /> f2}-The-Mayer-is-net-required-te-appeint-all-er-any-ef <br /> the-eaadidates-se-reeemmended- <br /> f3}-Ne-ene-shall-be-appointed-as-member-of-the <br /> eemtissien-who-is-the-organizer-er-leeal-bead-ef-nay-eharitable; <br />