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<br /> <br />moving of a building within, out of or into the district is discouraged ; however, moving is preferred <br />to demolition. Buildings incompatible with existing structures in th e historic district shall be <br />prohibited. <br />[ ... l <br />VI. ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES <br />Enforcement of the preservation guidelines and standards for the historic district is made possible <br />in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South Bend , ordinance No. 5565-73, as amended and the <br />Historic Preservation Commission's Preservation Plan. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission may petition the Building Commissioner to use the l egal <br />means available to him/her to force the maintenance and / or repair of any building or structure <br />within the historic district in accordance with the intent of this ordinance. <br />This ordinance, however, does not prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any <br />building or structure which does not involve a change in any exterior feature, nor does it <br />prevent the reconstruction, alteration, demolition or moving of any building or structure which <br />the Building Commissioner or other official has determined to be a hazard to public safety. <br />Property owners wishing to do, or have done, any work affecting the exterior of their building or land <br />must apply directly to the History Preservat ion Commission on the form prescribed by the <br />Commission (see Appendix A). The Historic Preservation Commission shall issue a Certificate of <br />Appropriateness before commencement of any construction, reconstruction, alteration, demolition, or <br />moving of any house or structure within the historic district boundaries (see Appendix A). The <br />Historic Preservation Commission will accept applications for Certificate of Appropriateness only <br />from the property owner. <br />In making its determination, the Historic Preservati on Commission shall consider three <br />factors: first, the appropriateness of the proposed work to the preservation of the building <br />and district; second, the detriment to the public welfare if the proposed work is permitted <br />even though it is not deemed appropr iate; third, the potential hardship that the denial of the <br />Certificate of Appropriateness would cause the applicant. <br />[ ... l <br />SITE VISIT REPORT: NI A <br /> <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Acknowledging that over a year has passed since the fire of <br />November 2019, Historic Preservation Staff would like to see this property find resolution, be it <br />through demolition or rehabilitation . <br /> <br />Staff concedes that the structure has been open to the elements for over a year and that extensive <br />interior damage is to be expected from that continued exposure. Were the structure to be approved for <br />demolition, staff would ask that the property owner deconstruct /save unique character defining <br />characteristics of the structure for reuse or donation to local preservation organiz ations. <br /> <br />Staff recommends approval for the deconstruction of the structure (with a preference for saving as <br />much usable material as possible). <br /> <br />Recommendation by Adam Toering <br />Historic Preservation Specialist <br /> <br />Approved by Elicia Feasel <br />Historic Preservation Administrator <br /> <br />Commissioner Downs Krostenko made a motion to accept COA #2020-1209 for the <br />demolition of the now derelict property and that we request that the owner salvage all <br />architectural features of the home, particularly the egg and dart molding at the eaves <br />and any other things that are uncovered when the siding is removed in order to <br />consider repurposing/reusing them in the next generation building on the site. <br />Seconded by Commissioner Tiffany. <br /> <br />Seven in favor, none opposed. <br />Vote: 7 – 0. Motion to deconstruction of the structure with a preference for saving as <br />much usable material as possible. COA #2020-1209 passes.