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Section 3. Rental Payments. (a) During the term of this <br /> Lease, the Lessee agrees to pay rental for said premises at the <br /> rate of Five Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($520,000) per year. <br /> Such Rental shall be paid from the Parking Garage Principal and <br /> Interest Account of the Redevelopment District Bond Fund. All <br /> rentals payable under the terms of this Lease shall be paid to <br /> Trustee or to such other bank or trust company as may from time <br /> to time succeed Trustee under the Trust Agreement. All payments <br /> so made shall be considered as payments to the Authority of the <br /> rentals payable hereunder. Lessee shall receive a credit on such <br /> rental payment in an amount equal to the amount then in the South <br /> Bend Redevelopment Authority Parking Garage Facility Sinking Fund <br /> created by Section 3. 02 of the Trust Agreement. The Lessee shall <br /> also receive credit for any Bond maturing within seven (7) days <br /> of the date of the lease rental payment, at the face value <br /> thereof, which the Lessee acquires and delivers to Trustee as a <br /> part of its lease rental payment; (b) As additional rental the <br /> Lessee agrees to pay all fees, charges and reimbursement of <br /> expenses of Trustee under the Trust Agreement and all prudent <br /> charges and expenses of the Authority incurred in the performance <br /> of its obligations hereunder. <br /> Section 4. Rental Payment Dates. The first rental <br /> installment shall be due on the day that the Garage to be erected <br /> and/or improved on the premises is completed and ready for <br /> occupancy, or December 28, 1989, whichever is later. If <br /> completion is later than December 28, 1989, the first installment <br /> shall be in an amount which provides for rental at the yearly <br /> rate specified in Section 3 from the date of completion until the <br /> first June 28 or December 28 following such date of completion. <br /> Thereafter such rentals shall be payable in advance in semiannual <br /> installments of Dollars ($ ) on June 28 <br /> and December 28 of each year. The last semiannual rental payment <br /> due before the expiration of this Lease shall be adjusted to <br /> provide for rental at the yearly rate specified above from the <br /> date such installment is due to the date of the expiration of <br /> this Lease. <br /> After the sale of the Bonds issued by the Authority to pay <br /> the cost of the Garage, including the acquisition of the site <br /> thereof and other expenses incidental thereto, the annual rental <br /> shall be reduced to an amount equal to the multiple of One <br /> Thousand Dollars ($1,000) next highest to the highest sum of <br /> principal and interest due in any year ending on a bond maturity <br /> date (bond year) on such Bonds plus $2,000, payable in equal <br /> semiannual installments. Such amount of reduced annual rental <br /> shall be endorsed on this Lease at the end hereof by the parties <br /> hereto as soon as the same can be done after the sale of said <br /> Bonds, and such endorsement shall be recorded as an addendum to <br /> this Lease. <br /> -3- <br />