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EXHIBIT "A" <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> That part of the Northeast quarter of Section 32, T. 37 N., R. 3 E. , Penn <br /> Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana which is delcribed as: Beginning at the <br /> North quarter Post of said Section; thence S 89"-58'-55" E. along the North <br /> line %f said Section and the Centerline of Jackson Road, 1321.19 ft. ; thence <br /> S. 00"-11'-37" E. along the West line of the East half of the Northeast <br /> quarter of said Section, 237.00 ft. ; thence S. $9 -58'-55" E. , 200.00 ft. ; <br /> thence N. 00 -11'-37" W. , 237.00 ft. ; thence S. 89 -58'-55" E. along the North <br /> line of said Section and the . Centerline of Jacksoj Road, 1121.19 ft. to the <br /> Northeast Corner of said Section 32; thence S: 00 -10'-04" E. along the East <br /> line of Section 32, 2606.19 ft. to the east quarter Post of said Section; <br /> thence S. 89 -25'-22" W. along the East and West quartero line of said Section, <br /> 2640.47 ft. to the Center of Section 32; thence N. 00"-12,-38" W. along the <br /> North and South quarter line of said Section, 2633.62 ft. to the Point of <br /> Beginning. <br /> Containing 157.772 Acres. <br />