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I <br /> (b) All family dwelling units constructed or remodeled <br /> after the effective date of this Ordinance which require a <br /> permit(s) pursuant to Section 6-24 of this Code and which <br /> are within the corporate limits of the City of South Bend, <br /> Indiana, shall be equipped with the minimum number of <br /> functional, properly located, labeled and listed, smoke <br /> detector(s) or their equivalent or better, as described in <br /> NFPA74 . <br /> See.--9-43---Mamtemamee7 <br /> fa}--It-shall-be-uniawfui-fer-amy-persem-te-tamper-w th <br /> em-memeve-amy-smeke-deteeter-emeept-whew-It- s-neeessary-fer <br /> mantemanee-er-inspeet em-purpeses- <br /> f b}-----terry---s��to-leer-deteete�--�e�noaeel---fir-- ter---ems <br /> meplaeememt-mtist--be--lee--ir t-a-rlec -er-repleteed-so--t4rft-t-mot- s <br /> emd 7-Ne7-6879-8±7--±} <br /> Sec. 9-13 . Installation; location. <br /> (a) Smoke detectors shall be installed and located as <br /> follows: <br /> (1) All smoke detectors shall meet the minimum <br /> number requirements as set forth herein and shall be <br /> installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. <br /> (2) In apartment houses and existing hotels and <br /> motels, the smoke detector shall be mounted on the ceiling <br /> or wall every thirty (30) feet, at a point centrally located <br /> in the corridor, but in no event more than fifteen (15) feet <br /> from the end of such corridor, and in the immediate vicinity <br /> of, but in no event more than fifteen (15) feet from, all <br /> sleeping areas. <br /> (3) In boardinghouses, lodging houses, rooming <br /> houses and new construction hotels and motels, or those <br /> hotels or motels in which corridors or sleeping rooms are <br /> remodeled after the effective date of this Ordinance, the <br /> smoke detectors shall be centrally located on the ceiling of <br /> each sleeping area and every thirty (30) feet along each <br /> corridor, but in no event more than fifteen (15) feet from <br /> the end of such corridor. <br /> (4) In all family dwelling units, the smoke <br /> detectors shall be installed and located outside of the <br /> bedrooms but in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping <br /> areas, within fifteen (15) feet of all rooms used as <br /> sleeping areas. <br /> (b) The smoke detector shall be installed on or near <br /> the ceiling, not less than six (6) inches from any wall, or <br /> on a wall, not less than six (6) inches nore more than <br /> twelve (12) inches from the ceiling. No smoke detector <br /> shall be recessed into the ceiling. Smoke detector <br /> installation shall be subject to the approval of the South <br /> Bend Fire Department and the Building Department of the City <br /> of South Bend, when installed in conjunction with the permit <br /> requirements of Section 6-24 of this Code. <br /> (c) Smoke detectors may be A.C. powered only if they <br /> are directly attached to a junction box not controlled by <br /> any switch other than the main bower supply. The <br />