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litigation pending, as of the date of delivery of the Warrants to the <br /> Purchaser, challenging the validity or issuance of the Warrants. The <br /> entry by the City into the Purchase Agreement and the execution of <br /> the Purchase Agreement on behalf of the City by the City Controller, <br /> in accordance with the Ordinance, are hereby authorized, approved and <br /> ratified. <br /> Section 6. The proper officers of the City are hereby authorized <br /> to deliver the Warrants to the Purchaser thereof upon receipt from <br /> such Purchaser of the agreed purchase price, pursuant to the Purchase <br /> Agreement. The Warrants of each purchase of each issue will be deli- <br /> vered as a single parcel at one time or pursuant to any agreement or <br /> understanding with respect to said delivery by and between the City <br /> Controller and the Purchaser of the Warrants. <br /> Section 7. The City Controller and other appropriate officers of <br /> the City are hereby authorized and directed to make such filings and <br /> requests, deliver such certifications, execute and deliver such docu- <br /> ments and instruments and otherwise take such actions as are neces- <br /> sary or appropriate to carry out the terms and conditions of this <br /> Ordinance and the actions authorized hereby and thereby, including <br /> without limitation publishing notice regarding the making of a loan <br /> pursuant to IC 36-4-6-20 as authorized herein. <br /> Section 8. All resolutions and ordinances in conflict herewith <br /> are, to extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. <br /> Section 9. The City hereby covenants that the City and its offi- <br /> cers shall not take any action or fail to take any action with res- <br /> pect to the proceeds of any of the Warrants or any investment ear- <br /> nings thereon which would cause the Warrant or any of the Warrants to <br /> - 7 - <br />