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This Warrant is one of an issue aggregating <br /> Dollars ($ ) and is issued pursuant to and in accordance <br /> with Ordinance No. duly adopted by the City of South Bend, <br /> Indiana, Common Council on , 1989, and in strict confor- <br /> mity with IC 36-4-6 and all statutes pertaining or supplemental <br /> thereto, in order to provide funds for and to evidence a temporary <br /> loan to meet current expenses of the City of South Bend, Indiana <br /> Fund. This Warrant is issued in anticipation of and is <br /> payable out of taxes levied and in the course of collection of such <br /> Fund during the year 1989. <br /> It is hereby certified that all acts, conditions, and things to <br /> be done precedent to and in the execution, issuance and delivery of <br /> this Warrant have been done and performed in regular and due form, as <br /> provided by law, and this Warrant is within every limit of indebted- <br /> ness prescribed by the constitution and laws of the State of Indiana. <br /> Sufficient amounts of revenues from taxation for the City of South <br /> Bend, Indiana General Fund, from levies now in the process of col- <br /> lection for the year 1989, are hereby irrevocably appropriated and <br /> pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this <br /> Warrant according to its terms. The consideration for this Warrant <br /> is a loan made to the City of South Bend, Indiana, in anticipation of <br /> such taxes. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of South Bend, Indiana, has caused <br /> this Warrant to be issued and signed in its name by the original or <br /> facsimile signature of its duly elected, qualified and acting Mayor, <br /> attested by the original or facsimile signature of its duly elected, <br /> qualified and acting Clerk, and countersigned by its duly appointed, <br /> qualified and acting Controller of said City, and the seal of said <br /> City to be hereto affixed or a facsimile thereof to be printed here- <br /> on. <br /> Dated this day of , 1989. <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br /> By: <br /> • Joseph E. Kernan, Mayor <br /> ATTEST: City of South Bend, Indiana <br /> Irene Gammon, City Clerk <br /> City of South Bend, Indiana <br /> COUNTERSIGNED: <br /> S. Katherine Humphreys, City <br /> Controller, City of South <br /> Bend, Indiana <br /> - 5 - <br />