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ORDINANCE NO. W6 /- E9 <br /> AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $10,300. 00 FROM <br /> THE MORRIS CIVIC AUDITORIUM IMPROVEMENT FUND <br /> FOR PURPOSE OF COMPLETION OF THE NEW SOUND SYSTEM, <br /> PURCHASE OF NEW MICROPHONES, PURCHASE OF A NEW CYCLORAMA <br /> AND PURCHASE OF NEW DOORS FOR LOADING AREA BACKSTAGE <br /> AT THE MORRIS CIVIC AUDITORIUM <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT: <br /> The Morris Civic Auditorium is owned by the City of South <br /> Bend and is managed under the control of the Century Center Board of <br /> Managers. <br /> The Century Center Board of Managers has determined that it <br /> is in the best public interest to complete the new sound system and <br /> money is available in the Morris Civic Improvement Fund for this <br /> purpose. <br /> In addition, the Century Center Board of Managers has <br /> determined that it is in the best public interest to purchase new <br /> microphones and money is available in the Morris Civic Improvement <br /> Fund for this purpose. <br /> In addition, the Century Center Board of Managers has <br /> determined that it is in the best public interest to purchase a new <br /> cyclorama and money is available in the Morris Civic Improvement Fund <br /> for this purpose. <br /> In addition, the Century Center Board of Managers has <br /> determined that it is in the best public interest to purchase new <br /> doors for the loading area backstage and money is available in the <br /> Morris Civic Improvement Fund for this purpose. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> SECTION I. The amount of $10,300.00 is hereby appropriated <br /> and ordered set apart out of the Morris Civic Auditorium Improvement <br /> Fund for the purchase and installation of the following: <br /> (a) Labor costs for Local 187, <br /> I.A.T.S.E. for finish work on the <br /> new sound system $2,000. 00 <br /> (b) Purchase of new microphones <br /> to augment the new sound system 1,800. 00 <br /> (c) Purchase of a new cyclorama <br /> (standard theatre equipment) . . r 4,000. 00 <br /> (d) Purchase of new doors for <br /> loading area backstage 2,500.00 <br /> $10,300.00 <br /> SECTION II. This ordinance shall be in full force and <br /> effect from and after its passage by the Common Council and approval <br /> by the Mavnr_ <br />