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. t. <br /> (b) The above fees shall be charged per patient run <br /> occurrence; however, when ambulance/medical services are provided for <br /> a patient using a private ambulance, the mileage fee shall not be <br /> charged; and further provided that when more than two members of an <br /> immediate family residing at the same address are transported per <br /> incident, the basic fee, mileage fee, and emergency fee shall only be <br /> billed for two persons. <br /> (c) The above fees shall take effect on 3anuary-1; <br /> 1986September 1, 1989. <br /> SECTION II. The additional revenues generated by the above <br /> rates shall be dedicated to defraying the expenses of the E.M.S. <br /> operating budget, a part of the general fund of the City of South <br /> Bend and for capital purchases and leases. of E.M.S. equipment, <br /> firefighting equipment and fire station repairs. A11-menies <br /> eeiieeted-wiii-be-ded eated-46%-te-the-E-M-S--eapitai-Fund-and-54%-te <br /> tie-E:M-S--eperating-hudget- All moneys collected will be deposited <br /> in the E.M.S. Capital Fund. Quarterly transfers in the amount of <br /> $38,500 will be from the E.M.S. Capital Fund to the General Fund on <br /> or about the last day of each quarter of the calandar year. <br /> Transfers for 1989 shall not be less than $142,000. <br /> SECTION III. This. Ordinance shall be in full force and <br /> effect from and after its passage by the Common Council and approval <br /> by the Mayor and legal publication. <br /> ALL/ F..Ar ,I4 <br /> Me 'e •f the Comm.,/ ounci l <br /> Filed le Clerk's Office <br /> JUL 2 0 1989 <br /> IRENE GAMMON <br /> 1st READING 7-e2 Y V' ' FRA S . BEM, r.did IL <br /> PUBLIC HEARING 1..01-a <br /> 3rd READING f- I'fr r <br /> NOT APPROVED <br /> REFERRED <br /> PASSED (t.0 Ai q 40 adi . L <br />