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• <br /> events beyond the officers control and which events are not <br /> reimbursed or compensated by insurance or otherwise. <br /> (8. ) A procedure will be established to provide <br /> for payment of all accumulated time in the event of <br /> separation from employment by reason of resignation, <br /> termination or unanticipated retirement. <br /> (9. ) The City reserves the right to pay off any <br /> and/or all accumulated time at its discretion. <br /> (b) The above-stated Accumulated Time Policy is <br /> subject to review by the State Board of Accounts. Any <br /> changes to said policy recommended by the State Board of <br /> Accounts, shall be duly made, with notice thereof being <br /> given by the City to the South Bend Police Department in a <br /> reasonable manner. <br /> SECTION VII. Health Care Insurance Committee <br /> Continued. <br /> The Health Care Insurance Committee shall continue to <br /> operate in an advisory capacity to and under the direction <br /> of the City Controller. This Board shall be composed of <br /> representatives of the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. <br /> 36, and employees of the Department of Administration and <br /> Finance of the City of South Bend, Indiana, together with <br /> other employees of the City of South Bend. It shall be the <br /> responsibility of the Board to review, under the direction <br /> of the City Controller, on a regular basis the activities of <br /> the City's Health Care Insurance Program. <br /> SECTION VIII. Health Insurance. <br /> (a) Employee contribution. The contribution by <br /> officers and sworn members for single health insurance <br /> coverage for the self funded insurance program of the City <br /> of South Bend shall be ten dollars ($10. 00) per month in <br /> plan years 1990, 1991, and 1992 . The contribution for <br /> dependent coverage shall be Forty Dollars ($40.00) per month <br /> in plan years 1990, 1991, and 1992 . <br /> (b) In an effort to control health care costs, the <br /> City's current health insurance package shall be modified <br /> beginning with the 1990 plan year to provide a program <br /> containing comprehensive major medical health insurance that <br /> includes a $500 annual deductible and shall be subject to an <br /> 80/20 coinsurance payment to a limit of $1,200 per year <br /> excluding any fee charged in excess of the then prevailing <br /> rates of medical services as established by the Health <br /> Insurance Carrier for the City of South Bend. <br /> (c) Cafeteria Plan Contribution. The City shall <br /> contribute Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00) to each <br /> employee's individual health spending account. The <br /> contribution shall be made annually on the first Monday of <br /> the plan year. <br /> (d) The City shall pay Thirty Dollars ($30. 00) per <br /> month to any officer or sworn member who elects to leave the <br /> City's insurance program to be covered by another program <br /> for which the City makes no contribution. This election <br /> shall not be mandatory and the officer or sworn member may <br /> return to the City's program provided that the conditions of <br /> the City's insurance plan are met, and contributions in the <br />