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State of Indiana <br />Office of the Secretary of State <br />CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION <br />of <br />S&L ENVIRONMENTAL GROITP INC'. <br />L Connie Lawson, Secretary of State of Indium, hereby ceftify that Articles of Incorporation of the above <br />For -Profit Domestic Corporation has been presented to are at my office, accompanied by the fees <br />prewfibed by law and that the documentation pfesented conforms to lair as prescribed by the provisions <br />of the Indium Business Corporation Law-. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, with this document I certify that said transaction will become effective Ffidav, <br />March 22.2013. <br />In Witness Whereof, I have caused to be affixed my <br />sipatore and the seal of the State of Indiana, at the City of <br />Indianapolis. March 27, 2013 <br />CONNIE LAWSON, <br />SECRETARY OF STATE <br />NBU32500025 201303250102! <br />