TITLE 1989 1990 1991 ' 1992
<br /> Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries
<br /> FOREMAN III 19,764 20, 522 21,212 21,848
<br /> FOREMAN II 18,731 19,478 20,148 20,752
<br /> FOREMAN I 17,673 18,410 19,058 19,630
<br /> ENGINEERING AIDE IV 0 21,387 22, 095 22 ,758
<br /> ENGINEERING AIDE III 19 ,594 20,350 21, 037 21,668
<br /> ENGINEERING AIDE II 17,985 18,725 19, 380 19,961
<br /> OFFICE MANAGER 17,219 17,951 18,590 19,148
<br /> AUDITOR III 20,708 21,475 22,185 22,850
<br /> AUDITOR II 18,801 19,549 20 ,220 20,827
<br /> AUDITOR I 17,316 18,049 18,690 19,251
<br /> SEALER WTS. & MEASURE 22,750 24,250 25,250 26,100
<br /> INSPECTOR III 18, 518 19,500 20,300 21,100
<br /> SECTION II. SICK LEAVE. Siek-leave-will-be-aeerued-at-the
<br /> rate-ef-eight-f8}-days-per-year7-te-be-ealeulated-at-2/3-day-fer-eaeh
<br /> month-ef-eempleted-empleyment---Empleyees-hired-prer-te-Beeember-317
<br /> 1986-may-maintain-siek-time-aeeumulated---Eā¬feetve-January-& -198/
<br /> their-max#mum-allewable-aeerual-will-be-sixty-five-f65}-days-
<br /> Empieyees-hred-after-January-1;-1987-will-aeerue-siek-leave-at-the
<br /> rate-ef-eight-f8}-days-per-year;-er-2/3-day-per-month;-with-a-maximum
<br /> allewable-aeeural-ef-ferry-five-f45+-days.- Sick leave will be
<br /> accrued at the rate of eight ( 8) days per year, to be calculated at
<br /> 2/3 days for each month of completed employment.
<br /> Employees hired prior to January 1, 1987 who have not
<br /> elected long term disability benefits may maintain up to ninety (90)
<br /> days of accumulated sick leave.
<br /> Employees hired prior to January 1, 1987 who have elected
<br /> long term disability benefits may maintain up to sixty five ( 65) days
<br /> sick leave. Such employees who currently have in excess of sixty
<br /> five (65) days accumulated leave may maintain the sick leave
<br /> accumulated, however, no additional sick leave may be accrued until
<br /> such time as the balance of sick leave falls below sixty five ( 65)
<br /> days.
<br /> Employees hired after January 1, 1987 may accumulate up to
<br /> forty five ( 45) days sick leave.
<br /> The Health Care Insurance Committee shall continue to
<br /> operate in an advisory capacity to and under the direction of the
<br /> City Controller. This Board shall be composed of representatives of
<br /> each bargaining unit, together with representatives of non-bargaining
<br /> employees within the City of South Bend. It shall be the
<br /> responsibility of the Board to review, under the direction of the
<br /> City Controller, on a regular basis the activities of the City' s
<br /> Health Care Insurance Program.
<br /> A. ILLNESS OR DISABILITY. An employee will be paid short
<br /> term disability benefits of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per week
<br /> for a maximum of seventeen (17) weeks beginning at the later of the
<br /> date following the date on which all accrued sick leave is exhausted
<br /> or the 16th day of illness or disability. Long term disability
<br /> benefit coverage will provide eligible employees with disability
<br /> benefits in an amount equal to sixty percent ( 60°%) of an employee's
<br /> monthly compensation, but said sum shall not be in excess of One
<br /> Thousand Dollars ( $1000.00) per month. The eligibility and terms and
<br />