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City of South Bend <br /> • <br /> ----�� - . Common Council <br /> ;57 1 County-City Building • South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br /> July 12, 1991 (219) 284-9321 <br /> Thomas Zakrzewski Fellow Councilmembers : <br /> President <br /> I am pleased to introduce the attached Bill which <br /> Loretta Duda can help make our neighborhoods safer places to <br /> Vice-President live. If passed, this Bill will provide the Police <br /> Department and the Legal Department with another <br /> Sean Coleman tool in the fight against drugs. The premise is <br /> Chairman. Committee that the use and/or sales of narcotics or controlled <br /> of the Whole dangerous substances is is injurious to the public <br /> peace, health and safety. Therefore, it would make <br /> it illegal for any person to knowingly allow their <br /> Stephen Luecke property to be used for such activities. <br /> First District <br /> When police are able to find evidence of such drug <br /> Donald Niezgodski use or sales , the Legal Department may send official <br /> Second District notice to the owner of the property. Said owner <br /> William Soderberg must then curtail the criminal activities. If the <br /> Third District offending parties are evicted from the property in <br /> a timely manner, no charges will be brought for <br /> Ann Puzzello violation of the ordinance. If the parties are not <br /> Fourth District evicted and the criminal activities continue, the <br /> owner of the property may be liable for fines up <br /> Linas Slavinskas to $2,500 per day. <br /> Fifth District <br /> Thomas Zakrzewski I recommend that this Bill be sent to the Public <br /> Sixth District Safety Committee for review and recommendation. I <br /> look forward to discussing it further with you. It <br /> Sean Coleman won' t solve the drug problem, but it should be a <br /> At Large help in the effort to curtail drug use and sales . <br /> My special thanks to Jeff Jankowski for his help in <br /> Loretta Duda researching and drafting this legislation. I would <br /> At Large appreciate any suggestions to improve the bill, and <br /> John Voorde hope for your favorable consideration. <br /> At Large <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand Stephen Luecke <br /> Council Attorney <br />