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ST"r;\ INDIANA HISTORIC SITES AND <br /> DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES <br /> t v - ;' STRUCTURES INVENTORY (SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET) <br /> "` «pi' State Form 42881(11-88) <br /> • <br /> „3,4.. STATE OF INDIANA <br /> • <br /> Name , Survey/Site Number <br /> Address(Street and number) County <br /> 609 Portage "Keller House" <br /> City <br /> Township <br /> Additional Information(Use reverse side for drawing) <br /> The Free Classic house at 609 Portage was built for real <br /> estate deveroper Fred- w . -Keller ( 187z-1959 ) iii 1905 . The house <br /> was designed by South Bend architect Walter W . Schneider <br /> ( 1868-195/ ) . Schneider was responsible for malty locally <br /> significant buildings including the Natatorium , River Park <br /> Theater and- various homes and churches . Fred W . Keller and Samuel <br /> Good platted this addition in October of 1903 . Keller sold the <br /> other lots in the subdivision , retaining lot 3 as the site for <br /> his new family home . <br /> Fred Keller was born on September 16 , 1872 in German <br /> Township . He attended Valparaiso University and later studied it <br /> the civil engineering program at the University of Miehiyaii . He <br /> became South Bend 's Assistant Civil Engineer in 1894 and helpec <br /> develop numerous local projects . He was elected mayor of SouLt <br /> Bend on the Progressive ticket in 1913 . He is best known as <br /> founding partner , with Leslie Whitcomb , of Whitcomb and Keller , <br /> real estate firm founded in 1893 responsible for the construction <br /> of thousands of homes in South Bend . <br /> The Kellers sold the house in 1920 to Emilyn H . and John A , <br /> stoeckley . John stoeckley was a nationally known oral suryeoii <br /> with a practice in South Bend consisting primarily of oral <br /> exodontia . He was also a member of the surgeons staff at St . <br /> Joseph Hospital and officer and member of several local , state <br /> and national professional organizations . <br /> He was born in Monroeville , Ohio on May 20 , 1870 . He studied <br /> pharmacy at western Reserve Lollege in Cleveland , Ohio and was <br /> employed in that field until 1893 when he entered Chicago School <br /> of uental surgery . Stoeckley graduated with honors in 1896 and <br /> came to South Bend where he opened his first office in the Oliver <br /> opera house block . He liter practiced on West WasliifiyLoii and in <br /> the J .M .S . Building . He married Emelyn Hinkle of Muncie , Indiana <br /> on June 18 , ivo2; they had three children , Hildegarde , Marion and <br /> John . <br /> John stoeckley died in September , 1928 . Emilyn sold the Mouse <br /> the following year to Emily and Hans Fick . The Fick family owned <br /> the house into the late 1960 's . When he and his spouse purc.hased <br /> ( cont: see reverse ) <br /> Information Sources <br /> Prepared By Date <br />