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Contribution in Aid of Construction Agreements - Two (2) Agreements Installation of Primary Service Feed & Transformer Relocation - IMP
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Contribution in Aid of Construction Agreements - Two (2) Agreements Installation of Primary Service Feed & Transformer Relocation - IMP
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11/24/2020 7:12:57 PM
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Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement <br />For Electric Distribution Service <br />Indiana Michigan Power Company - IN <br />Contract #: Work Request #Date:7/31/2020DWMS00000496058 <br />Mailing:Service Address <br />Customer Name:Tariff: <br />Project Description:The Customer has requested the installation of electric distribution facilities <br />(hereinafter referred to as "Basic Service") as follows: Relocate existing 2000kva <br />Pad Transformer that serves the Compressor Building and remove 750kva Pad <br />Transformer that serves the DeGrit Building. <br />City of South Bend Waste Water Treatment <br />3113 Riverside Dr.3113 Riverside Drive <br />71366598 <br />South Bend, IN South Bend, IN 46628 <br />Indiana Michigan Power Company - IN (hereinafter referred to as "Company") agrees to relocate 2000kva Pad <br />Transformer, associated UG Primary Wire and Metering. Remove 750kva Pad Transformer and Metering. <br />Customer agrees to the following: > Provide crane to safely lift existing 2000kva Pad Transformer off of <br />existing concrete Pad and onto new Pad. > Excavate and break up existing concrete duckbank near new Pad <br />location and install 4" Conduits per Company Specs. > Excavate and expose existing concrete duckbank at <br />area just west of Gate 4. > Remove and dispose of existing concrete Pads at Compressor and DeGrit <br />Buildings. <br />1. Customer Revenue Credit - Customer hereby agrees that the following electrical load and/or housing units will be <br />installed A) within three (3) months from completion of extension unless stated otherwise in the comments above; or B) <br />within six (6) years from completion of extension if customer is developing a subdivision or manufactured housing <br />park. <br />RESIDENTIAL <br />NUMBER OF SUBDIVISION LOTS 0 <br />NUMBER OF LOTS USED TO DETERMINE REVENUE 0.00 <br />AOHP <br />(# units) <br />Resistance & <br />ETS(# units) <br />Geothermal & <br />ASHP(# units) <br />Base LoadHouse Size <br />Demand kW Monthly kWH Load Factor % <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL <br />0 <br />Total amount due including both the refundable and the non-refundable amount is $11,173.07 <br />Payment shall be made prior to the start of Company's construction of facilities. <br />Based on the customer’s preceding representation, the Company estimates the 2-1/2 year revenue to be $0.00. <br />Customer agrees to pay to the Company the potentially refundable amount of $0.00, which is the difference between <br />the Company’s cost of installing the necessary facilities and the estimated revenue credit. In addition, the <br />customer agrees to pay a non-refundable amount of $11,173.07, for any work requested that exceeds what is required <br />to provide adequate service. <br />2. Recalculated Revenue - If the customer has not installed or contracted for the installation of the electric <br />equipment as stated in paragraph #1, then the Company shall recalculate the estimated revenue. <br />If the recalculated revenue is less than the Company's cost of facilities, then the customer shall, within thirty <br />(30) days of receiving an invoice from the Company, pay to Company as aid to construction, the difference between <br />the estimated revenue and the Company's cost of the facilities. The fact that the customer may no longer be <br />associated with or have a property interest in the project served under this agreement does not release the customer <br />from this obligation. <br />3. Customer Refund - If the customer made an aid to construction payment, then the customer shall, after the number <br />of services used in the original revenue calculation has been installed, receive a refund for any additional <br />permanent customers utilizing the same line extension within six (6) years from completion of the extension. <br />Refunds will be made for each additional permanent customer equal to 2-1/2 times the estimated annual revenue, less <br />the estimated cost of service drop or laterals and metering equipment required to serve the new permanent <br />customer(s). The total of all refunds or allowances shall not exceed the total payment made by the customer. <br />Refunds will be made once customer has notified the Company of any new customers that are added to this extension. <br />4. Underground Service <br />a. The customer shall provide, at no cost to the company, the necessary right of way for the underground electric <br />service and shall make the right of way accessible to the company's equipment. The owner shall remove all <br />obstacles, grade the right of way to within 4" of finished grade, and provide continuing access to the Company for <br />expansion, operation, and maintenance of all electric service facilities.Seeding and restoration or replacement of <br />all trees, shrubs,and landscaping,shall be the responsibility of the customer. <br />b. The Company may provide the necessary excavation, trenching and backfill and shall install the electrical <br />conductors and related facilities. The customer may elect to do all trenching and backfill in order to reduce
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