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<br />Version 2/14/2020 Page - 10 Public Works Quote <br /> <br /> <br />XXIII. PCCP FOR APPROACHES, 6-INCH <br />A. Prevailing Specifications: 2020, INDOT Standard Specifications Section 610 <br /> <br />B. Additions: <br />1. The pay item shall include constructing new concrete approaches in accordance with the plans and <br />special provisions herein. <br />2. The contractor shall minimize the area of disturbances not included in the plans. All areas disturbed <br />within the right of way that are not paved shall receive Kentucky Bluegrass seeding or an approved <br />mixture of Kentucky Bluegrass. The seeding shall be applied in a mixture of water and mulching <br />material in accordance with INDOT Standard Specifications section 621. The contractor is <br />responsible for watering for thirty (30) days after placement of the seed. The cost of seeding and <br />watering will not be paid for separately, but shall be included in the cost of the approach <br />3. The Contractor shall place four (4) inches of rich topsoil in all disturbed areas that require <br />seeding. The cost of topsoil, and the cost of soil removal as necessary to achieve proper depth, <br />shall not be paid for separately, but shall be included in the cost of the approach. <br />a. A pH test is required before top soil is brought to site. <br />b. pH test results must demonstrate a pH level between 6.6 and 7.2. pH test results shall be <br />provided to the City of South Bend inspector. <br />c. Existing topsoil may be reused if deemed suitable by the Engineer. <br />4. The cost of grading, topsoil, and seeding in disturbed areas shall not be paid for separately, but <br />shall be incidental to the cost of the approach. <br />5. Approaches shall be built according to the details as shown on the City of South Bend’s “Design <br />and Construction Standards” with a set radius of the (10) feet where unobstructed by trees or utility <br />poles. If obstructed, the minimum radius shall be five (5) feet. <br />6. Alley approaches shall have a width of twelve (12) feet and shall have a radius of twenty (20) feet. <br />7. Approach curb shall extend to and match elevations of existing curb on both sides of the approach. <br />8. Contractor shall grade transition between new approaches and alleys. <br />9. Common excavation for approaches shall be included in the cost of the approach. <br />10. Coarse aggregate in the concrete shall be crushed limestone. <br />11. The slope of the approach shall be limited to 1.5% where sidewalks cross an approach. <br />12. Contractor shall provide an asphalt patch at the base of each approach that extends 22” from the <br />face of curb and spans the entire width of the approach. Within patch area, asphalt shall be <br />removed to a depth of 1.5” below the top of existing pavement. Patch shall be constructed to <br />achieve a smooth transition between the approach and pavement. Removal and replacement of <br />existing pavement shall not be paid for separately, but included in the cost of the approach. <br />13. If tree roots are encountered and must be removed due to grades, the contractor shall contact a <br />representative from the City of South Bend Engineering Division. Tree roots shall not be removed <br />without the on-site approval of the Engineer. The cost of root removal shall not be paid for <br />separately but shall be included on the cost of other items. <br />14. Payment shall be made at the Unit Price as specified in the Proposal as follows: <br />CONCRETE APPROACH, 6-INCH ……….SY <br /> <br />XXXI. TOPSOIL AND SEEDING <br />A. Prevailing Specifications: 2020, INDOT Standard Specifications Section 621 <br />B. Additions <br />C. <br />1. In locations where both curb and sidewalk are scheduled to be replaced, the entire treelawn shall <br />be re-graded and receive new topsoil and seeding. <br />2. All treelawns scheduled for replacement are designated in the plans. Areas designated in the plans <br />are the ONLY areas that will be paid for under this line item. All other treelawn repairs shall be <br />incidental to concrete construction, as specified above in these special provisions. <br />3. All treelawns scheduled for replacement shall receive Kentucky Bluegrass seeding or an <br />approved mixture of Kentucky Bluegrass. The seeding shall be applied in a mixture of water and <br />mulching material in accordance with INDOT Standard Specifications section 621. The contractor <br />is responsible for watering for thirty (30) days after placement of the seed. <br /> <br />