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NOTE: Rieth-Riley is currently in the process ofprequa|ifioaUon renewal. New certificate can be furnished when received from |NDOT. <br />INDIANAPOLIS, IN October 23, 2019 <br />TO <br />RIso*RILEY CONSTRUCTION <br />GooeEm1w <br />who has filed with the Department a Contractor's Statement of Experience and Financial Condition as <br />required under Indiana Code 8-23-10, is hereby qualified to bid at any Department of Transportation <br />letting in Classes of Work and within the amount and other limitation of each classification as listed <br />below, for such period as the uncompleted work on hand from all sources does not exceed the Aggregate <br />amount. Classification references by name or symbol are in accordance with the definitions in the <br />Contractor's Statement of Experience and Financial Condition. This certificate supersedes any certificate <br />previously issued, but is subject to revision or revocation according to the law, if and when changes <br />in the financial condition of the contracting firm or other facts justify such revision or revocation. <br />Valid August 27, 2019 Ili-ru July 31, 2020 <br />AGGREGATE ... ........... '.......... .......... _.............................. _____._.__............... .............. SoNLovITrso <br />0085 <br />CLEAN/SEAL CnwuCKa000nzS:pccpa*MA PvmT...... <br />......................... .......... .................. _.... -. o/0,000,000 <br />0103 <br />3 -SIDED BOX STRooruRs(S)W/Se^�»220FT................................ <br />--- ........... ...... ,-..................... $umLovozEo <br />0290 <br />uEvmsRAND PIPE CLEANING AND LINING ...................... <br />............ ......... -.......... '_----............ $10,000,0 00 <br />com <br />TRAFFIC CoxTRouomoWxNrDICE mswOvAL-_ <br />......................... ---...... ........................ $10,000,000 <br />oagouNoaaSEaomo <br />........ --........ .......... ........ ....... ........... <br />.......................... ............... -----,--- $10,000,000 <br />A(A) <br />CONCRETE PAVEMENT: GEmEnAL--.......... ................................. <br />........... ....... -......... -_,_... $owL/.dzTEn <br />B(A) <br />ASpFmLT IVNIrvANuDoT CERTIFIED T-TIvmcPLANT ..... <br />.............. -........ ........ ......... ................ -SoNoMrrED <br />C(A) <br />HEAVY GRAD ovo...................... ................ ........... ....... <br />............................. ................. .................... .�omLowzTsD <br />D(A) <br />HIGHWAY umRAILROAD BRIDGE OVER WATER ................ <br />....... ........... ....................... ...... .... ..$oNzzwITso <br />D(B) <br />exsHvmArmzRAILROAD BRIDGE OVER oIGHvAY <br />................................................................ ..'$UNo,1fN41oEo <br />o«z <br />HvYrnRBRIDGE REQ RRTRACK PROTECTION ............ <br />....... -..................................... ................ .$umcomzTso <br />E (C) <br />BRIDGE DECK cnnanzAY&,MINOR oanzoE REPAIR ......... <br />............. .................................... ............ $10,000,000 <br />E(E) <br />SMALL STRUCTURES AND DRAINAGE ITEMS ..... .......... <br />................................................... ............. $10,000,000 <br />E(F) <br />SURFACE MASONRY mxD^mmCCONCRETE .......... -__—...... <br />...................... ........ ........ ..... $oNLJ.MIzEo <br />E(H) <br />DEEP SEWER AND/OR EXCAVATION ........... ........... --- <br />............ ......... -....... —....... ...................... $omzzwozED, <br />E(R) <br />ASPHALT PAVEMENT MILLING ............... ......... --.................................................................. <br />-...$uNzowrzso <br />E(T) <br />DEMOLITION ............ ................. .................... ._-----_........ <br />...... ................. ............... .......... SmxLIomzEo <br />pREQuAuFICAnOmemG|mEsR <br />COMMISSIONER <br />