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Year Real Property Taxes Personal Property Taxes <br />2007 $ 144.330 <br />2008 S207,775 <br />2005 $ 218.686 <br />2004 $ 185,976 <br />2003 $ 268,792 <br />(this information may be obtained from the St. Joseph County Treasurers office 235- <br />9531 ) <br />16. Please list the number of full -time and part -time minority employees for each <br />of the last three years: <br />Year 2008 2007 2006 <br />Full Part Full Part Full Part <br />Black 7 6 6 <br />Hispanic 2 2 2 <br />Asian 1 1 1 <br />Indian 0 0 0 <br />Other 0 0 0 <br />17.Does your business maintain an affirmative action plan or other similar plan <br />in order to achieve racial diversity? If yes, please briefly indicate specific <br />goals, objectives, and means as designated by your plan: <br />No, yet we maintain an EEO policy, see attached. <br />18. Indicate whether or not your project meets any of the following criteria <br />(contact Community & Economic Development Dept. 235 -9335 for information on <br />this section): <br />Conversion to residential use of a commercial ;=.Eligible Building -- as <br />designated by the Community & Economic Development Dept. <br />Rehabilitation of a building that is either designated as a National <br />Register or local landmark or is eligible for nomination as one, located <br />in a National Register or local landmark district. or rated as <br />Outstanding or Significant in the most recent Historic Preservation <br />Commission county wide survey. <br />Rehabilitation and reuse of a property that is designated a Problem <br />4 <br />(Rvv t : "'9'06) <br />