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CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />PETITION FOR RESIDENTIAL TAX ABATEMENT CONSIDERATION <br />The undersigned owner(s) of real property, located within the City of South Bend, hereby petition the Common <br />Council of the City of South Bend for Residential Real Property tax abatement consideration and pursuant to I.C., <br />6 -1.1- 12.1 -1, et seq., and South Bend Municipal Code Sec. 2 -76 et seq., for this petition states the following: <br />Describe the proposed construction project, including information about square footage, numbers of rooms, <br />amenities, the amount of land to he used, the proposed use of the improvements, and a general statement as to <br />the importance of the project (use additional sheet for long project descriptions): <br />Habitat for Humanity will construct one affordable single family home on each lot. Habitat will use <br />volunteer labor and donated materials to build the home Habitat will then sell the house to a qualified low- <br />income family at appraised value using a no- interest loan and mortgage Both houses will have 3 bedrooms and <br />1 bathroom The house on Grant Street will have a four foot crawl space The house on Cottage Grove will <br />have a full basement and a second story. <br />2. Estimate the dollar value of the construction project (do not include land cost):. 73,000 per house. <br />3. The real property for which tax abatement consideration is petitioned is owned or to be owned by the following <br />individual(s) or corporations (if the business organization is publicly held, indicate also the name of the <br />corporate parent, if any, and the name under which the corporation has filed with the Securities and Exchange <br />Commission): <br />Name Address Interest <br />Habitat for Humanity of St Joseph Count 402E South St South Bend IN 46601• Owner -Grant Street <br />Near Northwest Nei2hborhood• 1007 Portage Ave South Bend IN 46616• Owner - Cottage Grove <br />4. The commonly known address of the Property is: see attached and having tax key no.: see attached (use <br />additional sheet for multiple addresses or key numbers). <br />5. A legal description of said Property(s) is attached hereto, marked Exhibit A, and is incorporated herein. <br />A map and/or plat indicating the location of the Property(s) is attached hereto, marked Exhibit B, and is <br />incorporated herein. <br />The current assessed valuation of the property before construction: see attached (use additional sheet for <br />multiple addresses). (This information may be obtained from the St. Joseph County Assessor's Office, 235- <br />9523). <br />8. Photographs of the Property, taken within two (2) weeks of the filing of this petition, are attached hereto, <br />marked Exhibit C, and incorporated herein. <br />9. List the real property taxes paid at the location during the previous two years, whether paid by the current owner <br />or a previous owner (use additional sheet for multiple addresses): <br />At 701 S Grant Street the taxes paid for 05/06 were $80.70 and the taxes paid for 06/07 were <br />$126.75. At 601 N Cottage Grove the taxes paid for 05/06 were $879.78 and the taxes paid for 06/07 were <br />$166.35. The reason the taxes dropped so dramatically for the Cottage Grove property is that a house that was <br />previously on the property was demolished. <br />(This information may he obtained from the St. Joseph County Treasurers office, 235 -9531) <br />10. What is your best estimate of the after completion market value of the property: $85,000 per house. <br />