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C <br /> Health and Public Safety Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The June 22, 2005 meeting of the Health and Public Safety Committee was called to order at <br /> 4:00 p.m. by its Chairperson, Council Member Karen L. White, in the Council's Informal <br /> Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included: Council Members Pfeifer, Puzzello, Kelly, and White; Police <br /> Chief Thomas Fautz, Assistant City Attorney Ann-Carol Nash, City Clerk John Voorde, Legal <br /> Intern Sarah Troyer and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand,Council Attorney. <br /> Council Member White noted that the Committee members include Council Members Rouse, <br /> Varner,Kuspa and herself. <br /> Council Member White indicated that the meeting was called to continue the discuss on the draft <br /> ordinance which would amend Chapter 13 of the South Bend Municipal Code in order to expand <br /> the scope of prohibited conduct which may generate an action to abate a public nuisance. <br /> Assistant City Attorney Ann-Carol Nash provided copies of the draft ordinance (copy attached). <br /> She noted that since the initial version was drafted that she has proposed a change to paragraph h <br /> on page 2 addressing loud and raucous noise. The multiple fines issued language has been <br /> deleted and judgment which was required before a notice to abate is to be sent. <br /> Council President Pfeifer inquired whether one violation is enough to be considered a disorderly <br /> house,to which Ms.Nash stated yes. <br /> Council Member White inquired about graduation and commencement parties. <br /> Police Chief Fautz stated that they would only be affected if there was excessive noise and/or <br /> under age drinking. <br /> Ms.Nash stated that she would not send a letter each time there was a violation however. <br /> Council Member Puzzello questioned how the 500+person parties would be addressed. <br /> Chief Fautz stated that noise violations would probably be the biggest area of enforcement. <br /> Council President Pfeifer inquired about how selling cups to be filled later with alcoholic <br /> beverages is addressed in the draft ordinance. <br /> Ms. Nash stated that SBMC 16-53 addresses trash and litter where there are violations three (3) <br /> times within a calendar year. She added that a resident could verify a violation; or a Code <br /> Enforcement Officer thus triggering a notice to be sent. <br /> The Council Attorney noted that at the various neighborhood meetings held at the Robinson <br /> Center,there was discussion for the need for a easy to read/reader friendly pamphlet highlighting <br /> key points of the ordinance and stressing enforcement which could be handed out by beat <br /> June 22,2005 Health and Public Safety Comi ittep or the 2005 South Bond Common Council -page 1- <br />