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r r <br /> would be more fair and it would not be subsidized as much. Dr. Varner suggested that this be a <br /> part of the agreement since there has been a substantial cost to South Bend. He further noted <br /> that it this does not work out, six (6) not-for-profits, plus Bosch will have benefited. He also <br /> believes that the comments of Commissioner Ross should be carefully considered. He further <br /> suggested that when decisions are being made that the Councils should be involved. <br /> Mayor Luecke stated that there is significant value in the fibers. Having the city receive a <br /> percentage would result in higher rates. The Mayor stated that the benefit to the community is <br /> the link would may eventually create jobs and investments. <br /> At this point Council President Pfeifer recessed the Informal Council meeting for five (5) <br /> minutes. <br /> Portage Prairie: <br /> At approximately 11:15 a.m., Council President Pfeifer reconvened the Informal Council <br /> meeting, and called upon representatives of the Portage Prairie proposal for the Adams <br /> Road-German Township area to make a presentation. She reminded the people in attendance <br /> that only questions from elected officials and department heads would be permitted. <br /> Doug Hunt of Holladay Properties with offices at 227 South Main in downtown South Bend <br /> introduced Frank Perri and then addressed the Council. He noted that John Phair is out of town. <br /> Mr. Hunt stated that Holladay Properties began their operations in Washington, D.C. in 1952. <br /> Today their headquarters is in downtown South Bend where they have been since 1978, with <br /> offices also located in Indianapolis, Nashville, Florida, Louisville and northwest Indiana. <br /> Holladay Properties is the largest non-governmental, non-hospital corporation located in the city. <br /> They have invested over$11 million in the South Bend area and $45 million in the county; and <br /> pay over$1.8 million per year in taxes. <br /> Mr. Hunt stated that their land development projects in Indianapolis is the Ameriplex Center <br /> which created 4,000 jobs and was an investment of $350 million. Ameriplex at the Port in <br /> Portage, Indiana is also another of their major land development projects. They also are <br /> involved in the Purdue Research Park in Merrillville,Indiana. <br /> Mr. Hunt and Mr. Perri then presented a power point presentation on the proposed Portage <br /> Prairie Project. He reviewed Holladay's goals and issues, noting that they were approached by <br /> Waggoner heirs approximately 1 1/2 years ago for the 500 acre site. He then reviewed their <br /> design philosophy of bring alot of people together in nine (9) work sessions in October and <br /> November of 2004. He then reviewed the "context area"bounded by Bertrand, Portage, Quince <br /> and Edison. He stated that it is an excellent regional location with linkage to 1-94. He then <br /> reviewed: the character and history of the area; factors driving the plan; residential trends; major <br /> employee locations; and utility proximities. He stated that the project should not compete with <br /> the downtown assets, but be complimentary. He stated that the project should have a "wow" <br /> factor. Transportation planning must also be coordinated and many acres will be dedicated to <br /> research networking. The master plan also includes an"opportunity site". <br /> Mr. Hunt showed proposed site maps of proposed uses and summarized "smart growth" features <br /> from the website He stated that the tax and economic impact would be: <br /> April 9,2005 Informal Meeting of the South Bend Common Council -page 3- <br />