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Informal Meeting With State Senators&State Representatives <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The Saturday, April 9, 2005, Informal Breakfast Meeting with State Senators and State <br /> Representatives was called to order by Council.President Charlotte D. Pfeifer at 8:40 a.m. in the <br /> Council Informal Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Dieter, Kelly, Puzzello, Varner, <br /> Kuspa, Kirsits, Rouse and White; Mayor Stephen J. Luecke, State Senator John Broden, <br /> Commissioner Cindy Bodle, Commissioner Steve Ross, County Council. President Rafael <br /> Morton, County Council Member W. Randall Przbysz, Citizen Member Martha Lewis, Rita <br /> Kopola, Executive Director of the Department of Economic Development Sharon Kendall, Jeff <br /> Parrot of the South Bend Tribune and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand,Council Attorney. <br /> Council President Pfeifer welcomed everyone to the meeting and had all individuals present <br /> introduce themselves. She then called upon Mayor Luecke to provide an IACT update. <br /> Mayor Luecke noted that 1113 1120 addresses the tax levy. The Governor would like the amount <br /> capped which is paid by the state (currently 20%). An Income Tax Council is being proposed. <br /> He provided a written summary. The Mayor expressed concern over giving more power to <br /> Local Government Finance and with their ability to get their work done in a timely fashion. <br /> TACT opposes this bill. He believes it warrants a Summer Study Committee or an <br /> implementation date of for the 2007 budget. <br /> Mayor Luecke state that there is a bill proposed which would take gaming monies for the state. <br /> Currently $78 million are raised annual in gaming revenues. Communities are relying on that <br /> money and this bill is being opposed. <br /> Mayor Luecke state that HB 1063 would restrict eminent domain by changing the definition of <br /> blighted. TACT opposes this bill. South Bend uses eminent domain as a last resort. It passed in <br /> the Senate 26-22 and was sent to a conference committee. <br /> SB 524 now has an amended added by Representative Ryan Dvorak which would restrict <br /> annexation such as the Portage Prairie annexation/rezoning. It would give residents who live <br /> outside of the annexation area of up to 1/2 mile to petition the township and if there are 65% <br /> petitioning they can then challenge such annexations thru the court system. The Mayor stated <br /> that he opposes Representative Dvorak's amendment. <br /> Representative Warlorski has added an amendment to a different bill to allow Nappanee to <br /> annex land near their airport. <br /> In response to a question from Dr. Varner, the Mayor noted that Senator Broden introduced SB <br /> 524 which would allow any bidder to bid on sub-standard properties so that they could be made <br /> before the deed is transferred. A banned bidder list would also be created. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Puzzello, Senator Broden noted that the Senate <br /> is stricter than the House with regard to having bills amended. In the Senate such amendments <br /> April 9,2005 Informal Meeting With State Senators and State Representatives -page 1- <br />