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4IOV-10-03 MON 02 00 Phl THE NOLLADAY CORPORATION FAX N0, 2192843790 <br /> <br />I~OLLA.DA~ PROPERTIES <br />Building Solutions Since 1952 <br />227 South Main Srruet • Sui:e 3t>n • P.O. Box 1331 • South Bend, lndinns 46ri24 • (574) 234-2073 • FAX (57h) 284-3790 <br />November 1(t, 2UU3 <br />V1A rAf:SIMILIr <br />City Council of South ilcrtd <br />RI's; Itopc Rescue Mission Expansion <br />South Bend, IN <br />I)car Councilntcn and CouncilWOrnc;n: <br />P. 02 <br />Since Mikc Morris was duotcd in the newspaper in opposition to the expansion of the Hope Rescue Mission <br />into the forrrttrr REIS furniture Store, the reaction has been predictably. Mr, Morris is "opposed" to poor <br />people, hontcletis. SRU's e[c.. <br />I3ut, Mr. Morris has a point. Very few companies/private investors have Ueen willing to invest in our <br />downtown cc'~mmunity south of Western Avenue, in spite of tremendous gove{7t{ncnt facilities, infcastntcture <br />and nut-for-prof it activity. 'l-hc addition of the addc(1 Hope Rescue Mission space will further prevent <br />investors-nr discourage investors-to shy away from investing in the south end of downtown. <br />Uur !''irm owns and manages seven (lowntown office buildings. Qur southern most properly in downtown - <br />nne Michiana Sduarc - is clearly effected by what htas happened south of it, It suffers today from hibh <br />occup;incy atui decliuinc rents. Five years ago, we added security services at the building, out of necessity. <br />South Of Western Avenue, Sottth bend has six or seven facilities that house homeless individuals and <br />families or sibnificant jail populations. This colony of activity has -and is -effecting the city's ability to <br />attract private investment in this area. Iiy speaking out, Mr. Morris dial the worst possible damage to the: <br />vnlur of his own building. IJnfortunately, he feels trapped and felt this was a last resort to being heard. <br />I liri(7W ll1C CLt{'{'l.lti rClUnlno is well along in die process, but I would encourage you tote-think this particular <br />issue, hut., more importantly, consider how to make this arcs "investment friendly" before allowing further <br />cxpansi {s/ad~litirnts of [his type of activity into the southern downtown neighborhood. <br />,'~ a rrI , <br />\~ <br />Jo 'n'I'. ~I'hair, Presidc;nt <br />IIo lad:ry I'arhtrrs Mi(lwest, Inc. <br />~~ JTI':mj <br />Cc; }~ilc <br />Filed In Cler~;'s ®ffice <br />Pa Q C ~ ~ LUO~ <br />LOt1~TAJ. bW:- <br />CRYC~HRK, tti. E3Sldt1~ Itt. <br />Washin~;tnn I)C • South Itcnr) • Nashville • indianarn115 • Chicagolt'ortarc <br />tvw w, holladaypropc!rt i m <br />tJOU-1D-203 13~~38 95% P. D2 <br />