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STAFF REPORT <br />Rescue Inc., d/b/a Hope Rescue Mission 2228-03 <br />Location: 432 S. Lafayette Blvd. <br />City of South Bend <br />REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioner is requesting a zone change from "D" Light Industrial, "f' Height <br />and Area to "A-3" Mixed Use, "f' Height and Area to allow emergency and <br />transitional housing, a chapel, cafeteria, childcare, classrooms and an office. At <br />the December 12, 2002 Board of Zoning Appeals meeting, the board granted a <br />variance for a reduction from the required 278 parking spaces to 81, with 18 <br />spaces on-site and 63 off-site parking spaces. <br />EXISTING LAND USE: The property contains a commercial building. <br />SURROUNDING LAND <br />USE AND ZONING: Located to the north is an office and car sales lot zoned "D" Light industrial, "f' <br />Height and Area. To the south is a museum and stadium zoned "D" Light <br />Industrial, "a" Height and Area. To the east are commercial uses, a bank, and a <br />church zoned "D" Light Industrial, "f' Height and Area. To the west is a car <br />sales lot, a business, and church zoned "D" Light Industrial, "f' Height and <br />Area. <br />ACCESS: Access to the site is from Lafayette Street. <br />WATER SOURCE/ <br />SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Water and sewer are available to the site. <br />DRAINAGE: The drainage has not been addressed by the petitioner. <br />SITE DATA: ~ The total site to be rezoned is 34,138 square feet. Of that, the buildings will <br />occupy 16,005 square feet, or 46.9 percent of the site. Parking and drives will <br />occupy 11,437 square feet, or 33.5 percent of the site. Open space will occupy <br />6,696 square feet, or 19.6 percent of the site. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL <br />DATA: A check of the Agency's maps indicates that no public wells, wetlands, or flood <br />hazard areas are present. The Gate's Chevy World confirmed contamination site <br />is located near the petition area. <br />SITE PLAN: The site plan is preliminary. <br />AGENCY COMMENTS: The City Engineer made the following comments: a drainage plan is required at <br />the final site plan stage. <br />STAFF <br />RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on information available prior to the public hearing, the staff recommends <br />that this petition be sent to the Common Council with a favorable <br />recommendation subject to a final site plan. The proposed uses are allowed <br />under the current zoning, but the petitioner needs the rezoning to secure funding. <br />