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be • d ~ ~alol <br />except in writing sighed by both Lessor or Lessee. <br />12. While the initial lease terrz~ shall be for a period of twelve (12) months, if Lessee pays <br />rentals applicable to the terms of the lease in aecardance with the terms and conditions <br />herein, Lessee shall have the option to renew for one calendar year each for every years <br />through 2022, by giving notice in writing by December 2°d preceding the start of each <br />aew lease term. <br />13. If Lessee exercises these options to renew, the monthly rent for subsequent years shall be <br />as follows: <br />Rear nt <br />2004 - 2005 $200.00 <br />2006 - 2008 5220.00 <br />2009.2011 $240.00 <br />2alz - zol~ ~z~o.o0 <br />2015 - 2018 $280.00 <br />2019 - 2021 s3oo.o0 <br />2022 $320.00 <br />1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto signed this lease the,.,~fi~ay of <br />January, 2003 <br />Lessee: <br />Rescue line. <br />i <br />By resident <br />Attest: <br />F;tiDATA`SKAftE~I.egal~Wpdxla'.TBadnar',MISG1p¢rking Icasc.wpd <br />Lessor: <br />City of South Bend <br />Hoard of Park Commissioners <br />C t e 1 <br />`~,71~ 111 <br />!Garrett ivtullins <br />~ ~ ~~ <br />B Goodrich <br />Attest: <br />i"Ited jn Ci~rk'~ Qfifiic~ <br />~ , <br />--~ <br />~~. <br />_..._ ~_._. r~. a~..,,:, <br />bQ ' d c696 S4"~ bl S 9~ T -inn SNfI <br />