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THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY <br />MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY <br />CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA <br />POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />nay nmna the acre or mesa named herein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except In the manner antl to the <br />azbnt herein stated <br />KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS <br />That THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY ad MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY, both being commoners organized and existing under Me <br />laws Of Me Slate of New Hampshire, antl CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a corpm rbon organized and exisung under the laws of Ole Slate of <br />Michigan, (rummager Ind vldually and collectively the'Companyl) does hereby cons0ule and appoint, <br />JeNrey C. Carey, Mary T. Flanigan, Christy At. Belle, Patrick T. Prlbyl, Debra J. Scarborough, Charles R. Teter, ill, <br />CharlHsa 0. Lecuyin. Evan D. Si..... Rebecca S. Leal, C. Stephens Griggs, Tortilla M. Fry, Kellle A. Mayer, Veronica Lawyer and/or Lauren Scott <br />Of Lockton Companies of Kansas City, NO each Individually, if More be more than one named, as Its We and lawful abomey(s)-In-bad to sign, execute, eme, <br />acknowledge and deliver for, and on 0s behalf, and as its ad and deed any place within Are Un9ed Slates, any and all surety, bards, recagnueness, undertakings. or <br />other surety obligation. The execution ofsuch surety bonds, recognlzances, undertakings or surety obligations, in pursuance of New presents, shall be as binding <br />upon the Company as it they had been duly signed by the president and aftested by Me secretary of the Company, in their own proper persons. Provided however. <br />that this power of attorney limits Me ads dMose named herein; and they have no authority M bind Me Company except in the manner stated and to the extent of <br />any limitation Plead below: <br />Any such obligations In the United Stales, not W exceed Fifty Million and No/100 ($50,000,000) In any single instance <br />That this power is made and executed pursuent to Ole authority of the following Resolutions passed by to Beets ofOnamem of sale Company, and witl Reseludons <br />remain In full force and shot <br />RESOLVED: That Me President or any Man President, In conjunction with any Vice President. be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to <br />appoint Amerays-in-fact of the Company, In As name and as it ads, to execute and acknowledge for and on I%behalf as surety, any and all bonds, <br />remtgnizences, contracts of indemnity, waivers counsel and all other writings obligatory in the nature Manuel, AIM Power to attach thereto the seal Ofthe <br />Company. Any such writings SO executed by such AOomeys-in-fact shell be bintling upon the Company as if they had been duly executed and <br />acknowledged by the regularly Planned officers of the Company In their awn trader Parsons. <br />RESOLVED: That any and all Powers Of Attorney and Cediffed Copies of such Powers of Attorney and carttel in respect thereto, granted and <br />executed by the President or Vice President In conluncdon with any Vice President of Me Company, shall be Nadine on the ComsanvM the cams ovwnt <br />e, n suu� si9 naru res coarsen m ay co 1a®Im 119. (Atlopled Odobef ],1981- <br />382-Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company; Adopted September ], 2001-Ciazens Insurance <br />on March 24, 2014) <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY, MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANYand CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY <br />OF AMERICA have mused these presents to be sealed with thentespecMre corporate seals, duty attested by Me Vice Presidents, this Sir dayof October, 2020, <br />THE MNOVER IN8U ECOMPANY THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY <br />MASSACHUSETTS DAY INSURANCE COMPANY M1,83ACHUSE18 BAY BISUMNCE COMPANY <br />CITZENS INSURA C PANYOFAMERICA CITR NS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA <br />J Vice <br />President J04H. Newladi, Vie PreaMant <br />THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ) <br />COUNTY OF WORCESTER )ss. <br />Me elk <br />Me above named <br />of The Hanover <br />subsctlbetl to laid Instrument U s l the or A erica. respectively, and that Me ma corporate seals and their signatures as Opens seem duly aFlxed and <br />Y authod ty and director, of said Corymadons, �r <br />ARIEEN V. SIMONS�. <br />N0N Pane[ v <br />M consensus Firms. a An�.zAAAm R mook"Y <br />June 1s, Mau I MY Corandulon Explains Juror 15. 2023 <br />I, the underegned Vice President of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America, <br />hereby many met the above and foregoing is a full, true and coned copy ofthe Original Power of Attorney issued by witl Companies, and do hereby Maher many <br />that Me said Powers of Attomey are still in force and effect. <br />GIVEN under my hand and the seals of sold Companies, at Worcester, Massachusetts, this 1 Oth day of November 2020 <br />CERTIFIED COPY <br />1HEXMIaVQR IINYMNC4COMPNNY <br />�CNUBE'fYB BAY MPUM COMPANYBAY 'BUM COMPANY <br />NB IM1 OWNNYw ANe11wN <br />-CMri[tABagh,�[�YMM <br />