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F. Laing; thence South, .along the East line of grantees land, 360_ feet to the <br /> Southeast corner of grantee's land; thence East 86.04 feet; thence North 360 feet to <br /> the place of beginning. <br /> PARCEL III: A tract of land in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br /> of Section 30, Township 37 North, Range 3 East, bounded as follows: Beginning at a <br /> point on the North line of said quarter section, 660 feet West of the Northeast <br /> corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section, which beginning point is the <br /> Northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to the grantees by deed dated April 10, <br /> 1945, recorded in Deed Record 409 at page 135 of the records of St. Joseph County, <br /> Indiana; thence West, along the North line of said quarter section, 282.41 feet; <br /> thence South 360 feet; thence East 282.41 feet to the Southwest corner of said <br /> grantees' land; thence North 360 feet to the place of beginning. <br /> (P IAND ppp.0 <br /> P. I. rAgcEL I PAL-Ic <br /> /i• <br />