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Pay m ent <br />Ter m s Initial Pay m ent $1 ,3 9 7 .87 Mater ials <br />Second Pay m ent $2,5 5 1 .0 0 Due on 1st day of project <br />Third Payment $2,2 51 .00 Due on 4 th day of project <br />Final Paym ent $ R em aining balance due upon completion <br /> <br />**No other discounts or coupons may be applied to this pr oposal.** <br />1 .0 0 $0 .0 0 $0.0 0 <br />Pr oposal <br />Acceptance <br />Acceptance of Proposal; I hav e r ead and accept this w or k agreem ent and authorize <br />Mr . Handy m an/HM R em odeling to begin w ork on the project as discussed and <br />documented. <br />DATE:______________________S ignatur e:______________________________________________ <br />1 .0 0 $0 .0 0 $0.0 0 <br />S u b -T o t a lSub-T o t a l $9 ,0 52 .87 <br />T a xTax $0 .0 0 <br />T o t a lTotal $9 ,0 52 .87 <br />Thank you for choosing Mr. Handyman – A Neighborly Company <br />To explore all our Home Improvement and Repair Services visit: <br />O r for additional home services, visit our trusted family of brands at: <br />Mr . Handym an S ervice Technicians ar e cover ed by Gener al L iability , Wor kers Com pensation and ar e fully bonded. <br />Your technician w ill supply y ou w ith an estim ate to com plete your pr ojects. Your estim ate is based off our company pr ice book fr om <br />National labor standar ds. <br />Estim ate of w or k is based on w hat can be reasonably v iew ed from consultation. Mr Handym an is not responsible for any underly ing <br />structur al/ m echanical issues that m ay be uncov er ed as w e w or k through the project. Any additional w or k or change or der s w ill be <br />discussed w ith hom eow ner and review additional charges for appr oval. <br />Custom er agr ees that Mr . Handy m an can take befor e and after pictur es of w ork for documentation. <br />Custom er agr ees to pay the agr eed upon r ate im mediately follow ing the com pletion of the serv ice for each day. <br />Mater ials used on the job w hether van stock, purchased stock, or rental equipm ent w ill be billed as separ ate line item s. If paym ent is not <br />m ade upon com pletion of each day ’s w or k and pay m ent is not tendered w ithin 1 0 days, inter est w ill accr ue at the r ate of 3.5 % per <br />m onth fr om the date w ork w as completed. In the event of legal action in the process of collections, the cus tom er agr ees to pay all costs <br />and expense of collection, including r easonable attor ney fees. Cus tom er agr ees to pay a fee of $35 .00 for any r etur ned check. <br />Custom er acknow ledges that all technicians ar e em ployees of Mr. Handym an and w ill not solicit or attem pt to solicit any em ploy ee of <br />Mr . Handym an. In the event the custom er chooses to schedule additional service, all scheduling takes place thr ough the office. <br />Gr atuities ar e accepted for exceptional service. <br />Custom er has r ead and accepts the w or k agreem ent and has discus sed w ith the Mr . Handym an technician the w or k to be com pleted <br />and authorizes Mr . Handym an to begin w or k.