2. Original or later contributing vegetation materials and features shall be retained in their existing configuration and shall be
<br />maintained through proper horticultural management practices.
<br />3. Alteration of existing or addition of new vegetation materials and features will be considered if they do not alter the basic concept
<br />of the historic landscape design.
<br />4. Deteriorated or missing materials or features shall be replaced with materials that match the original in form, shape, color and
<br />texture.
<br />5. When replacement of vegetation materials or features is necessary, it should be based on physical or documentary evidence.
<br />6. If using the same vegetation material is not technically or economically feasible, then compatible substitute vegetation materials
<br />may be considered if they convey the same growth habil, form, foliage and bloom characteristics as the historic plant.
<br />7. Existing vegetation material shall be retained unless it is part of a later non -compatible design or is volunteer vegetation
<br />inconsistent with the original design.
<br />8. Consideration for removal of existing healthy vegetation materials and features will be given when it is in conflict with the original
<br />design intent of the landscape, such as when an important vista has become overgrown or when plants have grown out of scale with
<br />their intended purpose.
<br />9. Maintenance of, removal of, and additions of vegetation materials and features should consider maintaining existing or intended
<br />vistas and spaces. screening intrusions, creating new spaces where appropriate and maintaining defined areas of shade and sun.
<br />10. Invasive vegetation shall be removed whenever technically feasible and shall be replaced with appropriate vegetation consistent
<br />with the original design of the park and with current factors such as security, ecological conditions, and wildlife management
<br />practices.
<br />11. Hazardous plants or portions of plants should be removed promptly.
<br />12. Plants with diseased that are difficult or not practical to control or cure should be removed promptly to prevent their infection of
<br />other plants.
<br />13. Mutilated or distorted plants should be removed.
<br />14. Plant replacements should be added on a schedule that will insure a continuity in the landscape design.
<br />15. Existing vegetation shall be protected adjacent construction activities by fencing the root system prior to the start of construction.
<br />16. Future plantings of the main Floral garden in the central section of the park shall be guided by the design of the main floral garden
<br />as laid out by George Kessler in 1912.
<br />9.5 Circulation (includes Roads, Paths, Parkways, Drives, Trials, Walks, etc.)
<br />Refer to Sections 9.2, 9.5, 9.6, 9.6, 9.9 and 9.10 for additional Standards and Criteria that may apply.
<br />I. The following shall be preserved: Riverside Drive, Lafayette Boulevard, Park Lane (Foote Street), Bartlett Street, the Alleyway
<br />east of Michigan Street running north from Bartlett Street, all sidewalks, curbs, pathways around the duck pond (west lagoon),
<br />stairways, pathways in and around the Sunken Garden, and the footbridge from the mainland to the island. Alteration or addition of
<br />Roads, Paths, Parkways, Trails, Walks, etc, shall be based upon physical or historical documentation of these items as they existed
<br />from 1910 to 1940.
<br />2. Original or later contributing layouts of walks, roads, and paved areas shall be maintained.
<br />3. Alteration of existing or addition of new circulation layouts will he considered if it can he shown that better site circulation is
<br />necessary, and that the alteration does not alter the basic concept of the historic landscape design.
<br />4. When replacement of circulation layouts is necessary, it should be based on physical or documentary evidence.
<br />5. Original or later contributing circulation materials and features shall be retained and, if necessary, repaired by patching, piecing -in
<br />or reinforcing the material or feature using recognized preservation methods.
<br />6. Deteriorated or missing circulation materials and features shall be replaced with materials that match the original in size, shape,
<br />color, profile, from, texture, and detail of installation.
<br />7. If using the same material is not technically or economically feasible, then compatible substitute materials may be considered.
<br />N. Alteration of existing or addition of new circulation materials and features will be considered if they do not alter the basic concept
<br />of the historic landscape design.
<br />9. Consideration will be given to an alternate paving material if it can be shown that its properties will improve the original or later
<br />contributing design concept.
<br />10. When replacement of circulation materials or features is necessary, it should be based on physical or documentary evidence.
<br />11. Consideration for removal of existing circulation systems and features will be given when it is in conflict with the original design
<br />intent of the landscape or when they arc no longer appropriate to their intended purposes.
<br />12. No vehicles unless of or approved by the South Bend Parks Dcpartnhent shall he permitted on any part of the park surface at any
<br />time. Vehicles of American Electric Power and/or other vehicles of the City of South Bend, shall use predetermined routes to and
<br />front their destination, when said travel would cause them to cross any arca of the park which is not paved and designed for
<br />vehicular traffic. Any damage caused by any vehicle, shall be repaired immediately to look as it did prior to said damage.
<br />13. Encroachment of vehicles off the paved roadway of any area of the park shall not be permitted. Areas now used for vehicular
<br />parking which are not part of the historical design of that park shall be removed.
<br />14. Construction of any type within the park shall be done so as not to disturb any feature of the park. Sheets of plywood or other
<br />approved material may need to be laid upon the surface of the park prior to construction equipment. Repairs which must match the
<br />original historic design concept shall be made in any and all circumstances of damage.
<br />9.6 Water Features (includes Fountains, Pools, Irrigation Systems, Ponds, Rivers, etc.)
<br />Refer to Sections 9.11 B, C. and D regarding treatment of materials and features, and Sections 9.2. 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.7, 9.8 and 9.10 for
<br />additional Standards and Criteria that may apply.
<br />