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walls, fountains, fixed garden furniture, trellises, and other similar structures shall be compatible to the <br />historic character of the site and neighborhood and inconspicuous when viewed from a public way. <br />2. Recommended <br />New site work should be based upon actual knowledge of the past appearance of the property found in photographs, <br />drawings, and newspapers. Plant materials and trees in close proximity to the building that are causing deterioration <br />to the buildings historic fabric should be removed. However, trees and plant materials that must be removed should <br />be immediately replaced by suitable flora. Front yard areas should not be fenced except in cases where historic <br />documentation would indicate such fencing appropriate. Fencing should be in character with the buildings style, <br />materials, and scale. <br />3. Prohibited <br />No changes may be made to the appearance of the site by removing major landscaping items, trees, fencing, <br />walkways, outbuildings, and other elements before evaluating their importance to the property's history and <br />development. Front yard areas shall not be transformed into parking lots nor paved nor blacktopped. The installation <br />of unsightly devices such as TV reception dishes and solar collectors shall not be permitted in areas where they can be <br />viewed from public thoroughfares. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. <br />Prepared by <br />Adam Toering <br />Historic Preservation Specialist <br />Approved by <br />Elicia Feasel <br />Historic Preservation Administrator <br />PETITIONER COMMENTS: <br />Commissioner Andrews asked about the previous approval regarding the multiple doors on the front <br />facade. <br />Specialist Toering clarified that the previous approval allowed for the removal of one of the three doors <br />on the front fagade, that a second door was retained but is non-functional, and that the third door <br />is the primary entrance. <br />Commissioner Downs-Krostenko asked for clarification regarding the sequence of the replacement of <br />the doors and windows to the rear of the property and stated that the sliding door is anachronistic <br />to the style of the house. She asked for clarification on the rear deck as to whether there would <br />be a railing or not. <br />Mr. Nevarez stated that the installed material was the same as what was already present on the house, <br />and that the rear deck was low enough to not require a railing. <br />COMMISSION DISCUSSION: <br />Commissioner Downs-Krostenko asked if the project could be broken apart to approve or deny <br />individual components. <br />Commissioner Gelfinan stated that the project could be broken apart if the Commission desired to do so, <br />but that she had visited the house, and that the vinyl and sliding door were at the rear of the <br />house. <br />Commissioner Stalheim agreed and noted that the entirety of the windows of the house are vinyl, and <br />that it is at least uniform. <br />Commissioner Andrews stated that although vinyl isn't her preference, at least these alterations are at the <br />rear of the house. <br />Commissioner Tiffany stated he was familiar with this house and that it has been improved. <br />Commissioner Deegan agreed. <br />PUBLIC DISCUSSION: <br />Mr. Nevarez clarified that vinyl was selected because vinyl was already installed everywhere else on the <br />house. <br />