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Administrator Feasel clarified that if a project exceeds $500, it would require a building permit. <br />Attaining a building permit would clarify any code issues related to construction of stairs. <br />Commissioner Stalheim stated that it would be appropriate to remand to staff the construction of the <br />steps. <br />Commissioner Gelfman divided the project into separate components. <br />Commissioner Downs-Krostenko made a motion to reject COA 2020-0406 as pertains to <br />the removal of the original windows and the changing of the confirmation of the <br />windows. Seconded by Commissioner Andrews. <br />Roll was called. <br />Commissioner Downs-Krostenko (Aye): This is a visible part of the house and it changes the <br />appearances dramatically. <br />Commissioner Deegan (Aye): I would agree, it wouldn't be in context of the rest of the historic <br />value of the house. I would also say I reject it because it is not clear how the infill of <br />those missing windows would be able to preserve the house and its character. <br />Commissioner Andrews (Aye): I'm rejecting because it goes against the appearance of the <br />house and it is visible from the street, and it is a retroactive application. <br />Commissioner Stalheim (Aye): I am rejecting because the house is rated Outstanding and I <br />believe there could be a potentially better middle ground. <br />Commissioner Tiffany (Aye): I reject it because the rating is Outstanding, it is visible from the <br />street, and the infill — maybe if he did something else there it would look different <br />from the road, but right now... <br />Commissioner Gelfman (Aye): I reject it because of the Outstanding rating of the house, and <br />the fact that it changes dramatically the look of this particular area of the house, from <br />the street especially. <br />Six in favor, none opposed. <br />Vote: 6 — 0. Motion to deny COA #2020-0406, item 1 "Window Replacement" passes. <br />Commissioner Downs-Krostenko made a motion to remand to staff COA #2020-0406, <br />section II regarding the door, which would have a half -lite with no divisions, and <br />that the material of the door be up to the discretion of the staff. Seconded by <br />Commissioner Tiffany. <br />Six in favor, none opposed. <br />Vote: 6 — 0. Motion to remand to staff COA #2020-0406, item 2 "Door" passes. <br />Commissioner Stalheim made a motion to approve #2020-0406, item 3 "Landing / Stairs" <br />to be remanded to staff for approval of the design, with confirmation of <br />appropriate building code. Seconded by Commissioner Andrews. <br />Six in favor, none opposed. <br />Vote: 6 — 0. Motion remand to staff COA #2020-0406, item 3 "Door" passes. <br />IV. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />N/A <br />V. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />i. Staff asked for minutes to be tabled until the next meeting for approval. <br />