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ORDINANCE. NO. 2aó2- 93 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br /> OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA APPROPRIATING $128,300.00 <br /> FROM THE EMS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND <br /> (EMS FUND #288) <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> Due to unforeseen circumstances, it has become necessary to <br /> defray expenses within the E.M.S. budget with an appropriation of One. <br /> Hundred Twenty-eight Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($128,300.00) <br /> from Fund ##288, the Emergency Medical Services Capital Improvement <br /> Fund. This appropriation is intended to cover the capital costs set <br /> forth herein below. The Fire Department has continued to generate. <br /> increased revenue from the E.M.S. Bureau to support the capital needs <br /> of both the Fire Department and E.M.S. Bureau.. This appropriation <br /> has been included in the Department' s projections, as well as its <br /> five year capital improvement plan. The Common Council had <br /> determined that it is in the best interests of the City that sums <br /> sufficient to meet these payments be appropriated within the EMS. <br /> Capital Improvement Fund.. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL. OF THE CITY <br /> OF SOUTH BEND AS. FOLLOWS: <br /> Section. I. That the indicated sum of money be, and hereby is, <br /> appropriated and ordered set apart within the EMS Capital Improvement. <br /> Fund, as set forth. below: <br /> Account No. Title Amount <br /> 288-0902.422.43-05 1 Vehicle (mid-size) $ 13,300.00 <br /> Refurbish Engine 2 75,000.00 <br /> Radio Equipment 15,000.00 <br /> Fire & E.M.S. 400 accounts 25,000.00 <br /> TOTAL $128,300.00 <br /> Section II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br /> from and after its passage by the Common Council and approval by the <br /> Mayor. <br /> Memb r, S 64111L-L8-€"1-4- <br /> y i h, Bend Common Council <br />