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Bonds, the 2004 Bonds shall be fully negotiable instruments under the laws of the State of Indiana <br />(the "State"). <br />Any other provisions of this Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding, the 2004 Bonds <br />shall be issued on a parity with the outstanding Prior Bonds, and none of the provisions of this <br />Ordinance shall be construed to effect the rights of the holders of the outstanding Prior Bonds. <br />The Controller is authorized to employ the firm of Crowe Chizek and Company LLC ("Crowe <br />Chizek"), to perform any and all computations necessary to confirm the preliminary evidence and <br />findings demonstrating compliance with the conditions set forth in the Prior Bond Ordinances for <br />issuance of additional revenue bonds on parity with the outstanding Prior Bonds. The City shall <br />not issue the 2004 Bonds without first receiving a certificate from Crowe Chizek in form and <br />substance satisfactory to the Controller and to the effect that the City and the sewage works are in <br />complete compliance with the conditions set forth in the Prior Bond Ordinances for the issuance <br />of additional revenue bonds on parity with the outstanding Prior Bonds. <br />The 2004 Bonds shall be on a parity with the Prior Bonds, and shall be sold at a price not <br />less than 99°Io of the par value thereof (exclusive of original issue discount), shall be issued in <br />fully registered form in denominations of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) or any integral multiple <br />thereof, shall be numbered consecutively from R-1 up, shall be originally dated as of the first day <br />of the month in which the 2004 Bonds are sold or as otherwise determined by the Controller, and <br />shall bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding six and one-half percent (6.5 °Io) per annum (the <br />exact rate or rates to be determined pursuant to Section 7 hereof) payable on the first (1st) day of <br />June and December in each year, beginning on December 1, 2004. Interest shall be calculated on <br />the basis of a 360-day year comprised of twelve 30-day months. The 2004 Bonds shall mature <br />serially on December 1 as finally determined by the Mayor and the Controller with the advice of <br />Crowe Chizek as evidenced by delivery of the executed initial issue of the 2004 Bonds to the <br />Registrar for authentication; provided that the original aggregate principal amount does not <br />exceed the amount authorized above, that the first maturity shall be no earlier than December 1, <br />2005, and that the final maturity shall be no later than December 1, 2024. <br />All payments of interest on the 2004 Bonds shall be paid by check or draft mailed one <br />business day prior to the interest payment date to the registered owners thereof as of the fifteenth <br />(15th) day of the month preceding the interest payment date at the addresses as they appear on the <br />registration books kept by the Registrar (the "Registration Record") or at such other address as is <br />provided to the Paying Agent (as defined below) in writing by such registered owner. All <br />principal payments and premium, if any, on the 2004 Bonds shall be made upon surrender thereof <br />at the principal corporate trust office of the Paying Agent in any coin or currency of the United <br />States of America which on the date of such payment shall be legal tender for the payment of <br />public and private debts. <br />Interest on 2004 Bonds shall be payable from the interest payment date to which interest <br />has been paid next preceding the authentication date thereof unless such 2004 Bonds are <br />authenticated after the fifteenth (15th) day of the month preceding an interest payment date and <br />on or before such interest payment date in which case they shall bear interest from such interest <br />payment date, or unless authenticated on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month <br />immediately preceding the first interest payment date, in which case they shall bear interest from <br />the original date, until the principal shall be fully paid. <br />-4- <br />