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number of Bonds obtained by dividing the denomination of the Bond by $5,000 <br />within a maturity. The Bonds may be redeemed in part. In the event of the <br />redemption of the Bonds in part, upon surrender of the Bond to be redeemed, a <br />new Bond or Bonds in an aggregate principal amount equal to the unredeemed <br />portion of the Bond surrendered shall be issued to the Registered Owner.] <br />This bond is subject to defeasance prior to payment as provided in the <br />Ordinance and the owner of this bond, by the acceptance hereof, hereby agrees to <br />all the terms and provisions contained in the Ordinance. <br />This bond is transferable or exchangeable only upon the books of the City <br />kept for that purpose at the office of the Registrar by the Registered Owner in <br />person, or by his attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender of this bond <br />together with a written instrument of transfer or exchange satisfactory to the <br />Registrar duly executed by the Registered Owner or his attorney duly authorized in <br />writing, and thereupon a new fully registered bond or bonds in the same aggregate <br />principal amount, and of the same maturity, shall be executed and delivered in the <br />name of the transferee or transferees or the Registered Owner, as the case may be, <br />in exchange therefor. The City, any registrar and any paying agent for this bond <br />may treat and consider the person in whose name this bond is registered as the <br />absolute owner hereof for all purposes including for the purpose of receiving <br />payment of, or on account of, the principal hereof and interest due hereon. <br />The bonds maturing in any one year are issuable only in fully registered <br />form in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof not exceeding <br />the aggregate principal amount of the bonds maturing in such year. <br />A Continuing Disclosure Agreement from the City to each registered <br />owner or holder of any bond, dated as of the date of initial issuance of the bonds of <br />this issue (the "Contract"), has been executed by the City, a copy of which is <br />available from the City and the terms of which are incorporated herein by this <br />reference. The Contract contains certain promises of the City to each registered <br />owner or holder of this bond and all other bonds of this issue, including a promise <br />to provide certain continuing disclosure. By its payment for and acceptance of this <br />bond, the registered owner or holder of this bond assents to the Contract and to the <br />exchange of such payment and acceptance for such promises. <br />[STATEMENT OF INSURANCE] <br />This bond shall not constitute an indebtedness of the City of South Bend <br />within the meaning of the provisions and limitations of the constitution of the State <br />of Indiana, and the City shall not be obligated to pay this bond or the interest <br />thereon except from the special fund provided from the Net Revenues of the City's <br />Sewage Works utility. <br />Exhibit A -Page 4 <br />